
উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

|r. | Dear Sir, The on’ble | Goor00 Dass Banerjee.

  • * * I have read portions of the first two numbers of Volume I of the Journal, and I think that the Journal will, on the whole, be useful to the public, if it continues to be conducted in the manner it has

commenced. The articles headed "sta(5 frts-Tail," "set," Sir “qoĩC3ỉ5ị,” “q(-ì{{,” and “NTi(ofãại,” in these two numhers are excellent, each in its own way. They are written in simple, elegant and lucid style, they contain useful information, and they are really instructive. * * Narlkeldanga, Calcutta. rth September, 1916. Yours truly, (Sd.) Gooroo Dass Banerjee. ver ܗܝ re Visser- Ysgr wer-r ger V From Ciokulananda Prosad Varma of “Beharee. Dear Sir, aspirations. able from your firm. I heartily appreciate your object in publishing it. I have directed my office to purchase necessary articles obtain You have achieved success in business ; achieve equally marked success in life of charity. (Sd.) Gokulananda Prosad Varma. admire your noble tnay you Yırs truly, PRESS OPINIONS. The Empire. Saturda", 6th Nephteunber, 19 1 f. 'THE FRIEND OF THE POOR." Such (“Anathbandhu') is the title of a pictorial magazine in lengali which is being published by Babu Kaliprasanna Mukherji of Alessrs. K. P. Mukherji & Co., of 7, Waterloo Street. The journal, we are told, has been started to help the founding of a home called “Annapurna Asrain,' where poor men and women find shelter and work, food and medical aid; and it deserves wide patronage of the Indian public inasmuch as its income will be given to support the Asram. The first two numbers, which we have received for review, augur well of the future of the journal. We wish the journal every success, the popularity of which will be sufficiently borne out by the fapt that among others, His Excellency the Governor of Bengali has been pleased to subs many as six articles. The Amrita Bazar Patrika. Natterday, I 9th Att gust, 1916. " A mathbandhu ’--This is a monthly magazine issued, for helping the Annapurna Asran. by Mr. K. P. Mukerjee of Messrs. K. P. Mukerjee & Co., of 7, Waterloo Street, (alcutta. It is not always safe to judge : magazine on its first issue. But if the high water-mark of excellence reached in the first issue is maintained, the “Anathbandhu' under the editorship of Babu. Sasi Bhusan Mukerjee will be a valuable addition to Bengalee magazines. It contains a character sketch of the Maharaja Bahadur of Durbhanga, and articles on such diverse subjects as Art, Industry, Agriculture, Sanitation, Indigenous Drugs, Religion, Music and Yoga, the editor contributing as We wish the new magazine a career of usefulness.