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=ఉదాడ-ఊ sa a The Amrita Bazar Patrika. Saturday, t9th August, 1916. Anathbandhu '-This is a monthly Magazine issued, for helping the Annapurna Asram, by Mr. K. P. Mukerjee of Messrs. K. P. Mukerjee & (Co., of 7, Waterloo Street, ('alcutta. It is not always safe to judge a magazine on its first issue. But if the high water-mark of excellence reached in the first issue is maintained, the “Anathbandhu' under the editorship of Babu Sasi Bhusan Mukerjee will be a valuable addition to Bengalee magazines. It contains a character sketch of the Maharaja Bahadur of l)urbhanga, and articles on such liverse subjects as Art, Industry, Agriculture, Sanitation, lindigenous l)rius, li eligion. Mi tsico and Y ry:, the editor contributing as many as six articles. We wish the new magazine a career of usefulness. リ入 The Indian Mirror. 24th Voe'nu ber, 19 v 6. “AN A "TI BAN) 1 U.”--Tlhe thir issu of this well-c: inducted monthly is as cosmo - politan in its clharacter as is the object, which it has been started with a view to aid, namely, the establishment of the Annapurna Asram, which vill be at once a humanitarian and industrial institution. Two biographical sketches are inserted, one being that of the Maharaja of Jaipur and the other that of Raja Bijay Sing | Dhudluoria of Azimganj. The coloured portaits that accompany the texts arc executed with excelent skill. The contents are varied and calculsted to interest all classes of readers, and the portion published in Nagri characters is for benefit of non-IBengali readers residing in other parts of the country. The earnestness of the proprietor Mr. K. P. Mukerji, the well-known Publisher and Stationcr, of 7, Waterloo Street, should meet with practical recognition. The Indian Daily News. 7huesday, 18th Vully, vọ 6. "Anathbandhu'-This is a new Bengali monthly published by Messrs. K.P.Mookerjee of 7, Waterloo Street. The idea is to start a home called “Annapurna Asram,' where poor men and women will find shelter and work, food and medical aid, and the income of this Inonthly Journal will be given to support the Asram. The journal aims at diffusing knowledge of Art, lharma, Mlusic, Physical Exercise, ("ultivation, Medicine, Merits of Plants and "Trees, Yoga and Yotish Shastras, lives of living Noblemen and their Portraits in true colours, dise' ' is and their treatinent. The first number uneler the eclitorship of Babıl Sasi Bhusan Milookerjee gives promise of useful (32. ፎ,ጋኦ ይጋኣ 台 台 The New India. II(linessay, 19//t Vuly, / () / (). Messrs. K. P. Mookerjee & Co., Calcutta, send us a copy of lutal/hlut un allt. "I'le journal is started to help the founding of a home called . Înnapurnat Ashrail/, where poor men nd women will sind shelter Anl work, sood and medical aid. "The income of the journal wiil lbe given to support, tlie Asli rann. A unong the contents of the journal are papers on the merits of the fallshi, lated and Nerur trees, and the publication of the merits and of various medicinal plants known at the present, day is pronised. Papers are also included on various maladies of the present day ; l’hysical Exercise to help the children to get healthy and thus avoid diseases: Shilpa or Artistic Work to encecourage pe ple te work for their living in art-crafts and to revive old industries. A paper on the History of Music is the precursor of lessons on higher music. Eastern Bengal and Assam Era, gjth /lugʻat st, 1 9 1 6. A NEw Jou RNA L, by an oversiglt which we regret the name of the paper recently started by Messrs. K. P. Mookerjee & Co., was omitted. It is called “Anath bandhut' and is an illustrated monthly organ printed in the vernacular. It is full of useful information, dealing with Religion, the Arts, Agriculture, History, Astronomy, Science, Music, Medicine, Physical Exercise, etc., etc. This organ is devoted to supporting the “Annapurna Asram ' established with a view to