টেমপ্লেট:দ্ব্যর্থতা নিরসন
[সম্পাদনা]This template provides a header for disambigation pages. It will provide appropriate headers for the Main, Author and Portal namespaces, and should not be used outside these namespaces. ie. {{header}}, {{author}} and {{portal header}}.
You can add notes to the disambiguation header with the notes parameter.
[সম্পাদনা]This template adds pages to Category:Mainspace disambiguation pages, Category:Author disambiguation pages, Category:Portal disambiguation pages as appropriate. If used in any other namespace, this template adds pages to Category:Disambiguation pages in inappropriate namespaces. This behaviour can be overridden with the category} parameter. Additional categories can be added as normal.
[সম্পাদনা]All parameters are optional.
- category: Alters standard categorisation behaviour:
- If omitted entirely, the template will categorise pages as described above.
- If the parameter is entered, even if left blank, the template will not categorise pages at all (unless categories are added manually in the normal way).
- defaultsort: Author pages only. See {{author}}.
- intro: Replaces the standard text "{{PAGENAME}} may refer to:" that follows the header.
- notes: Descriptive text. Use as per the appropriate namespace headers.
- portal: Main namespace pages only. See {{header}}.
Style guidelines
[সম্পাদনা]Excerpted from Style guide:
A disambiguation page is a page listing works with the same title. For an example, see The Raven. Do not include works with different titles in a single disambiguation page, even if they are versions of the same work. Disambiguation pages are for disambiguating works with the same title, not for listing versions of a work.
A versions page is a page listing different versions of essentially the same work. There is no requirement that such works share the same title or authorship. For an example, see Little Red Riding Hood. Do not include distinct works on a single versions page, even if they share the same title and author. Versions pages are for listing versions of a work, not for disambiguating titles.
A translations page is a special case of a versions page, listing English language translations of a foreign work.
These pages share the same basic layout:
- The page title should be the ambiguous title being disambiguated (for a disambiguation page), or the title by which the work is best known (for a versions or translations page). (For guidelines on the titles of other pages, see 'Page titles' above.)
- The header is standardized with "{{disambiguation}}", "{{versions}}" or "{{translations}}"at the top of the page.
- Individual works are listed in bulleted form, with no links except the titles and the authors. Only the basic information (title, author, date if known, and type of work) should be listed. If a page lists multiple versions of the same work by the same author, also specify the collection it was first published in, if known. For example:
* [[The Raven (Poe)|The Raven]] (1845), a poem by [[Author:Edgar Allan Poe|Edgar Allan Poe]].
* [[A Cradle Song (Blake, 1789)|A Cradle Song]] (1789), a poem by [[Author:William Blake|William Blake]] published in ''Songs of Innocence''.
Works that appear on disambiguation pages should be tagged with "{{similar}}" to indicate the existence of other works with the same title; e.g. {{similar|The Raven}}
Works that appear on versions or translations pages should be tagged with "{{other versions}}" to indicate the existence of other versions of that work; e.g. {{other versions|Little Red Riding Hood}}