
উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

− SOE issue free annually a Wall Calendar to our regular customers. It is much appreciated by our European and Indian customers alike. Price to non-custoners for a copy Annas 8 only. ያ:ንእ “ሥጋኦ ଗୁଳ୍ମ ଜଳ ବୃନ The same rule applies to our Pocket Diary, the Price being Re. 1 each. “,?ዳእ የሰኃኣ We print Bijaya Greeting Cards, Xmas Cards, Wedding and other Invitation Cards, Upahars on Wedding day, Address of Welcome, Congratulation and Farewell in the best style. In Wedding Cards we can print portraits of Bridegroom and Bríde ín haliftone Blocks or in theír true colours. We print school and other Books in English and Vernaculars with illustrations in halftone or tri-colour process. Zemindary Forms, Washílbanki, Patta, Kabuliot, Dakhilas are neatly printed and at moderate charges. Badges-Brass or Rubber Stamps, Dies-Arm, Crest, Monogram, Address, &c., Copper-plates for Visiting Cards, Business Cards, Note and Letter Headings, Invitations; Doorplates, Gold and Silver Medals are done as good as English Work. Marble slabs for the door are done in A-1 style. If you have not done any business with this firm please try and let us register your name as a regular customer. K. P. Mookerjee & Co., la .. 7, Waterloo street, CALCUTTA.