
উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

[ 1 এবং ভক্ত পাঠক। বঙ্গভাষার গল্প-সাহিত্যে আপনার আসন অনেক উচ্চে। এ কথা অসঙ্কোচেই বলিতে পারি।” The Bengalee-July 22, 1915: "The stories are yery delightful and We passed quite a happy half-athour in its company. The style of the author is forceful, elegant and lucid ; his language terse, but at the same time his chạracters have been clearly portrayed. The second story has appealed to us specially. The plot is taken up with a famine episode in Crissa. The author has depicted the horrible scene in a direct and forcible manner pressing the horrors of fanline hone to his readers. The author, however, is not merely an artist, but is also possessed in a remarkable degree of the gift of insight into human nature. What strikes us most is that the stories, contrary to the prevailing fashion of the day relate absolutely to the life and culture of our own country. The characters are not the foreign one opossed in Indian garb. We have every reason to believe that the book will be widely appreciated." ভারতবর্ষ; আশ্বিন, ১৩২২-“এই গল্পগুলি যখন পত্রাদিতে প্রথম প্রকাশিত হয়, তখনই আমরা ইহার প্রশংসা করিয়াছি। আমরা সবগুলি গল্পই পাঠ করিয়াছি এবং শরৎ বাবু যে একজন সুলেখক ও হে!