পাতা:আশুতোষ স্মৃতিকথা -দীনেশচন্দ্র সেন.pdf/২১৭

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

او “ې ! له " | . د ا۲ ... I - , F н г ' 'Y. . . . . . . . . . ....' .. ኻ 'n , r ' ) |, . ', ̈ '· " ,!? ' , ' , ' “ነ . '• ' - -•ዩ ነ ፡ ̇, ̇ " * , " . . . . . . . " .". · · ,ኣ” . i. , , , , , ". ". هn I t I " ዘ ኞ | • “ . . - - - - - Ч - ! , : . ,ן . . . . , . . . . , י".י"

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. . .: '...". , , * i'.: ":", ۳. Brigali people, Bengal which in this extended sense parti. It' 懿 ited in the development of what the author describes as glidhan culture subsequently became its sole custodian when the political organizations of Magadha (ancient Bihar) decayed. to lisheritage Bengal made rich original contributions and ,its hanner attempted wi th signal succes large conquests :تی merely confined to her immediate neighbourhood but even spreading far beyond the geographical limits of India. The author has not only emphasised the essential contacts betwee. the currents of Indian culture and the movements which originé and flourished in Bengal, but has also attempted to indicate what he regards to be the special features of Bengal's genius contributing towards the enrichment of Indian civilization as a whole. It giving a chronological narrative of this history, Dr. Sen exploits almost every source of evidence that may be imagined: he collects his data from the Vedic literature, the epics and the Puranas, the Buddhist and the Jaina literature; he examines the relics of Mohenjo-daro and Harappa, the prehistoric antiquities of Singanpur and other places ; he reads with great avidity the English translations of Greek, Latin, Chinese and Tibetan writers on Indian history; with equal enthusiastill he gathers his materials from different branches of archaeology and other ature krit and from hundreds of inscriptions, numerous coins, temples buildings; he constantly draws upon the vornacular " accounts of Moslem historians, of European travellers, Sa nS and Prakrit works of different periods, innumerable legends, stories and ballads, and also little known historical chronicles compiled in Bengali. He does not in fact reject aly thing bt includes all that can be found, giving each some deg recognition in the narrative that he has provided for his reader The material collected is enormous in bulk and propo' free ol 11d