বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন


উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

[ b ) branches of science, but we have nothing like an advanced handbook on any subject, not to speak of popular essays on miscellaneous scientific topics like the volume before us. We have much pleasure in commending the book to the notice of our readers. THE INDIAN MIRROR. April 17, 1897, This is a collection of the writer's contributions to the pages of some of the Bengali monthly periodicals. The papers deal with astromony, geology, ethnology and a variety of other subjects and embody the results of the most recent investigation of European scientists on the themes , discussed. The articles are written with remarkable lucidity and in a style that compels perusal. 黎 亭 THE BENGALEE. September 4, 1897. The public ought to be grateful to Babu Ramendra Sundar Trivedi for his Prakriti—a collection of philosophical and scientific essays. It is a work of its own kind. Never before in Bengali literature was there such a laudable and successful attempt made by any one to explain scientific theories in such a plain and lucid manner. The mode of treatment is operbly admirable, and bears unmistakable testimotoy to the author's thorough and masterly grasp of the subjects he has dealt with. Such a book as Babu Ramendrasundar Trivedi’s deserves every possible encouragement, in as much as it is one of the most important scientific works we have come across in Bengali. We are quite sure that Prakrit: will occupy a permanent place in the history of vernacular scientific literature, মাননীয় বিচারপতি শ্ৰীযুক্ত গুরুদাস বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায় প্রকৃতি —যতদুর পড়িয়াছি তাহাতে অতিশয় প্রীত হইয়াছি। ইহাতে বিজ্ঞান ও দর্শনের কতকগুলি নিগূঢ় তত্ত্ব বিশদ বাঙ্গালা ভাষায় এত সুন্দর রূপে বিবৃত ত ইয়াছে যে তজ্জন্য বাঙ্গালা সাহিত্য ও বাঙ্গালি