বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:জীবন (কৃষ্ণপদ বিদ্যারত্ন).djvu/১১৬

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

I 31 ) “B Pfluger has argued ihał ihe analogy belween living proleid and the compounds of Cyanogen are so numerous that they suggest cyanogen as the starting point of proloplasm. Cyanogen and ils compounds, SO far as we know, arise only in a stale of incandescent heat. Pfluger suggests that such compounds arose when the surface of the earth was incandescent, and that, in the long process of cooling. compounds of cyanogen and hydro-corbons passed into living proloplasms by such processes of transformalion and polymerization ÖS ÖdTE familiar in the chemical groups in question, and by ihe acquisition of water and Oxygen. His theory is in Consonance with the interprolation of the siructure of proloplasm as having behind is a long historical archilecture and leads to the obvious conclusion hal if proloplasm be consiructed artisicially it will be by O şerics of singes and that the produce will be simpler ihan any of the existing animals or plants." 岑 岑 岑 岑 “As may be supposed, theories of the origin of life apart from doctrines of special crealion or of a primitive and slow spontaneous generation are mere fantaslic speculations. The inos striking of these suggests an extra-lorrestrial origin. H. E. Richter appears lo have been the first ło propound ihe idea hai life came io this planet as cosmic dusi or in meteorites thrown off from stars and planels.