A STUDY ON LIFE I I cannol enjoy sound sleep at night. Any olher person so circumstanced would perhaps have resorted lo some kind of narcolic or medicated oil; bui, as sor myself. this stałe of sleeplessness gives no great pleasure. Work is the deslined nim of human life. The longor I keep awake, the more lime I can gcł to accomplish iho work ol Iny life. It makes me sad to think thal, though my life is fasi drawing to ils close, though I may have soon lo leave this world sor ever, yel ihere iş nothing grotai, no work of permanent and durable value, which I might leave behind Ine as a legacy to the world. I osion brood upon iliis melancholy thoughl—and ił is this which keeps mc awake ai nighi. And yet length of days is not impossible of allainnneni is I continue in the course of life which I have been following sor some time past. A man's death may be onlirely within his own control as it was in the case of Bhishmo—if only he will walk in the path of purily and exercise due restraini over ihe appelites and their indulgence. Оne night, sor three hours logether, I brooded intently upon this
পাতা:জীবন (কৃষ্ণপদ বিদ্যারত্ন).djvu/৮৬