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পাতা:বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (ত্রয়োদশ খণ্ড).pdf/৯৪৯

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

921 ংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্রঃ ত্রয়োদশ খন্ড picture in front of the Security Council and to hear what the others have to say before I come back again. My purpose is, again, to say that the main parties to this dispute, whether military, politically, civilly or any other way we look at it, are East Pakistan and West Pakistan-East Pakistan as represented by Bangladesh, who were elected, as I said, with the army's full consent. . Incidentally, the army had the full authority to cancel the Constitution, even after it had been drawn, but then got cold feet, according to Mr. Bhutto. If such a request is made. President Yahya Khan will find it very difficult to reject the proposal. So, there was no alternative left but to crush. And how was that process of crushing carried out? Negotiations were carried on in Dacca in most extraordinary circumstances, and at the same time, the Pakistan army was reinforcing itself. Today, we are told that some plane which was hijacked was hijacked by Indian agents. If it was done like that, if it was done by Indian agents, why was the hijacking incident, the blowing-up of a plane, greeted with parades in the Lahore streets and televised as if it were some kind of civilized conduct that any State should be proud of? And if anyone knows anything about Pakistan-and I do know a little-none of these things could happen without direct Government approval. Now again we are told that all these massacres were necessary because something had append before 25th March. If anything did happen, the world did not know about it. Thirty-five foreign correspondents were bundled out, on the night of the 28th from the Lahore Hotel and the Dacca Hotel. They were there, they did not write. They are not worried about reprisals in West Pakistan. In fact nothing of the sort happened. It is one of the many afterthoughts that have been built up on the propaganda front of Pakistan over the last nine months. Over the last nine months, the struggle of the armless, defenceless people of East Bengal has been going on against the regime of military men in West Pakistan. It is not West Pakistani who are involved; it is the military regime that is doing all this, and there is already a murmur of protest even in West Pakistan, little as they have heard of what has actually gone on. They have little wish to believe all this. They are decent human beings. They do not believe that their own army-of which, I think, they are quite rightly proud-could stoop to these low deeds, these massacre and these barbaric attempts to suppress a population of 75 million people. Under the resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly, there are certain criteria laid down concerning how and when an area can be regarded as non-selfgoverning. If we applied those criteria to East Bengal, and if we had a little more morality we could declare East Pakistan a non-self governing territory. Let it not be said that because I talk of morality I am self-righteous-although I think that, as between Pakistan and India, we are so right and they are so wrong that I have every right to be self- righteous. This is treated as if it were some kind of monstrous charge to be right. It is not a monstrous charge to be right. We are glad that we have, on this particular occasion, absolutely nothing but the purest of motives and the purest of intentions: to rescue the people of East Bengal from what they are suffering. If that is a crime, the Security