বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (দশম খণ্ড).pdf/২৯০

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

265 বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র : দশম খন্ড 04 Aug 71 Pallathal One ambush party was sent to Pallathal TE Garden road. They opened fire on in coming Pak patrol. En ran away leaving behind 3 LMG mag and 250 rd of 303 ball ammo. 05 Aug 71 Chatalekha A Jitter party went to Chatalekha from Baralekha base. They fired on Pak tps with 2". MOR. Reply come with MMG/LMG. 07 Aug 71 Shabazpur Our 3" MOR sec fired 12 rqs n Shabazpur Rly Sta. three 0300 Pak tps killed in bunkers and other two bunkers destroyed. 07 Aug 71 Pallathal One ambush party opened fire on a batch of in-coming Pak patrol in area Pallathal TE Garden. In that firing one en got killed on the spot and injured taken by them. The en left behind four LMG mag with 80 rds 303 balls. 07 Aug 71 Pallathal One ambush party was surrendered by Pak tps. Our reinforcement party rushed to the scene and our men got out. We gave covering firing with 3" MOR and LMG. En reply come with 3" MOR, MMG and LMG. In cas not known. Own cas two wounded. 08 Aug 71 Golapgonj 2 FF was sent to Golapgonj with grn to destroy post and tel office of Golapgonj. They destroyed the Post and Tel office. One FF got Captured by Razakar while running away from the scene. 13 Aug 71 Sutarkandi A Jitter Party sent to Sutarkandi with str of 30 MF. Own party fired with 3” MOR. En replied with MMG/LMG. En cas not know. Own cas nil. 13 Aug 71 Sutarkandi Our 3" MOR sec sent to Baragram to shell on posn at 0001 hrs Sujnapur/Baragram. Our 3" MOR shell on Sujnapur resulted 3 en killed, 5 injured, 4 civ wounded. Our cash nil. 13 Aug 71 Kangli 2000 hrs Ghat A party consisting of 30 MF and 20 FF sent to Kangli Ghat to destroy ferry. Opur party reached the tgt but ferry not found on the spot instead they found two big boats being used for the purpose destroyed and come back 13 Aug 71 Konagaon safely. 0001 hrs A party of 30 MF sent to raid the Chairman office of 14 Aug 71 Rly Bridge Konagaon. En fled away before our party reach the tgt. 2200 Baralekha and Latu A party of 30 MF and 25 sent to destroy the Rly Bridge between Baralekha and Latu. Through en fire our party reached near the tgt and charged the Razakar