পাতা:ব্যবস্থা-দর্পণঃ প্রথম খণ্ড.djvu/৩৪১

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v YAvASTHA-DARPANA 217 benefits on him by presenting oblations of food to the manes of his three ancestors, including his father, and there is no disserence between the sons of sisters of the whole and of the half blood. - Zillah Junglemehauls, August 2nd, 1826. Ch. I. Sec. 6, Case 4, (pp. 86, 87.) Q. A person dies, leaving his paternal uncle's son's son and a son of an uterine sister: in this cas. are both the survivors entitled to the succession ? if not, which of them has the superior title 2 R. Under the circumstances above stated, the sister's son is exclusively entitled to the heritage. A, or,iing to the law aw Authorities : —“In desault of heirs down to the father's great grandson, 8 father’s daughter’s son Pಳ್ಳ! ಸಿi succeeds; for he presents the funeral cakes to the manes of the three ancestors of the deceased proprietor, of which his father partakes.” Ch. 1. See. 6, Case 5, (p. 87.) Q. A man died leaving two sons, a daughter and her son. Subsequently to his death his eldest son died without male issue, leaving the above named individuals him surviving, and then the younger died, leaving a widow and a daughter. Lastly, the widow and the daughter of the younger son died, the latter leaving her husband and an unmarried dafighter. In this case, which of the survivors is entitled to the landed estate left by the father ? 象 - R. On the death of the younger son, his widow was entitled to his entire property; and on her The sister's son exclude: demise, her daughter derived from her a title to the inheritance. The daughter's husband and daughter i he dao;lite of a daug liter. are however excluded, because they confer no benefit on the deeeased proprietor. The father's daughter's son is entitled to the inheritance. February 28th, 1817. Chap. I. See. 6, Case U, (page S.S.) Joynáráyan Mukarjyá rersus ltám Rattan Chátturjyá. Q. A person possessing some landed property dies, leaving a son and four daughters. Subsequently to his death, the son takes possession of the whole of his paternal estate, and dies without male issue, leaving his sisters above named, two of whom died, leaving neither husband nor children ; and of the y surviving sisters, one had three sons, and the other a son by adoption. Under these circumstances, to what proportion of the estate will each individual survivor be entitled P R. I’uder the circumstances above stated, according to law the estate will be made into seven in P..., , , , , , , , i. pt. I

  • - * g g - * st.: et a -1 ster t.:k. - a -evo:ır'ı. parts, of which the three sons of one sister will take six shares, and the adopted sou of the other the ..."...'...'...; remaining one.* - a:14, 1 !ia i si tv : . "

Zillah Hooghly, September 28th, 1812. Ch. I. Sec. 6, ('ase 7, (pp. 88, 89.) Q. A person dies leaving a widow as his heir; and the widow dies, leaving her husband's potternal grandfather's brother's grandson and great graudson in the male line, and also her husband's sister's son. in this case, which of these three surviving individuals i itled to succeed to her husband's estate : t , which of these three surviving individuals is entitled to eed to her l l's estate P It. The sister's son is, by law, entitled to the inheritance. The paternal grandfather's brother's A sist ro, son ovel, 1... i. 1; or 1.1 u.ic...' * * - - د: ه ، ۹ !۰la ، ۹ د: grandson and great grandson have no claim to the succession. Zillah Burdwan, May 12th, 1823. Ch. I. Sec. 6, Case 8, (p. 89.) Q. A landed proprietor, having filed a suit in a court of justice to obtain possession of his paternal lauded estate, died previously to its decision, leaving an uterine sister, her son, the son of another sister. and a desecudant in the fourth degree of the paternal line. Subsequently to his death, the sister's son claimed to be his representative, and died while the claim was pending. There are luw surviving his sister, her son's widow, the son of another sister, and the descendant in the fourth degree of the paternal line. Under these circumstances, which of the surviving individuals is entitled to the succession ? - |he circumsti 姐 * ° 瞩 恕 s <&弘、 the origina ‘ietor, his ir: 'ኳ'ዮ • i- teu ' s s n • xi I;i.!,• a -a lt. Under the circumstances above stated, on the death of the original proprietor, his sole heirs were \ -i- to n • xt |:1.! “. ... ... , t t in the ma?” Biz, a - - . مهم ه» 4 که ؟ * r : 2. ❖ፈfኔ » - ". bă.? - - * 巅负*,免赠够像 M° • {. - Ara5- جی - his two sisters' sons, by whom his great grandfather's descendant, (in other words, the fourth person in . . „r-at gritust! ather. descent of the paternal line,) is excluded from the inheritance. It is mentioued in the Difyittattra, that he is entitled to the succession who confers the most benefit in presenting funeral oblations.

  • T his is inaccurate. See W. D. pp. 165 – 167 & 17 3.

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