পাতা:ব্যবস্থা-দর্পণঃ প্রথম খণ্ড.djvu/৫৯

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

N O To E ON TIIE ORTIIouitariiY AND Ott'rIIo 1:1'Y or SANsc RIT AN I DEN«: A LEE \Voltips. To onsure tlie proper pronunciation of thc Sanscrit und 13eugalee words in tho E,,,.]igl, part of

  • . هةء ويتي

this work, I have written them according to the following IRomanized system,” being l'artially muodificd from that originally proposed in the first volume of the Asiatic loosearch.es, and followed by Sir William Jones, Mr. lI. Colobrooke, anul otherB. A : as a in الجو or salt. A : as á in fár. I : as i in fit. Ch : as ch in chalk. _ Chh : as chh in much-haste. † Jh: as in geh in college-hall. 1 : as á in machinc, and as ee in feed. T : ns t in talk, or soft as in tu (Italiam or Portu U : as w in pull. Ü : as wi in rule, and oo in pool. guese). Th: as th in liot-houses, or soft as in thoroughly. I. : as the first c in there, and as ai in pain. D : as d in daw, or soft as in da (Portuguese).

as o in go.

Ꮊ Oi : as oż in heroine or liko Dli : as in good-housef, or soft as the last aspirated. the Greek dipthong Ph : as ph in tip-hold.t oi in Iloquív poimén, a shepherd: Bli : us bh in mob-house. f. Ou : os ou in out. ● Kh: as lel in black-hole. F G : as y in gewgaw. Gh : as gh in big-house. I Y : as y in joy and boy-hood. W: as w nearly as w in dw.irf. Slı : as sh in shotS : as s in soft or sugar. عوار S 0 LLLLLL LLLLS LLLLLLLLS LLLLLLLL LLLL LLLLLLLL LLL LLLLLL LLLLLLL LLLLLL LLLLL SGGGGGSLLLLL SLLLLL LLL SLLLS AA SLLAAAASAAAAS AAAAS LLLL S S + \\ hela pronounceol inclistinetl Coleb. lDaí. l»h:í. Coleb. Dig. * Dai. T. W. Dá. Kra. Sang. Cous. H. L. Macn. II. L. Str. II. L.i J%lb, In. Pre. Vol. Ch. Sec. V. P. S. D. A. R. S. C. Vol. I. Calcutta Félition; Vol y - A B R E V IAT I O N S. For Colebrooke's translation of the Dáyabhíga. Colebrooko's Digest” (of the II indu law.) 鸚警 , , (Raghunandana’s) Diya-tatwa. ,, Wynch's translation of the Dáya-kramasangraha. , , (Macnaghten’s) Considerations ou tle 1 lindu Law. ,, Macnaghten's Principles and Precedents of l lini dlıı Law. ,, Strange's Elements of I lindu Law .t ,, Elberling's Treatise on 1 aheritance, &e. ,, Prefaco. ,, Voluine. ,, Chapter. ,, Scetion. ,, Wuchana or Verse. ,, Page. ,, Sudder Dewanny Ada wlut Reports. ,, Supreme Court. . J I. rfom lon Eilition. + First Edition.