পাতা:ব্যবস্থা-দর্পণঃ প্রথম খণ্ড.djvu/৬৬৩

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vXAVASTHA-DARPANA. 54} On the PAYMENT or DEBTs contRACTED for тнв ВАмпьҮ. - *228 A debt contracted by one member of an undivided family, for the sake of the same, is payable by all the co-parceners or out of their estate. 'ர்,ழ்' . o A. debt contracted before partition by an uncle, or brother, or a mother, for the sake of the family, all the parceners or joint tenants shall discharge. NARADA. Coleb. Dig. vol. I. p. 292. - - o - - - - * For the family’—that is, for its support, for the funeral obsequies of its members, nuptials óf girls, and other necessary acts.” See the two texts of КA*лүлмл cited at page 543. 224. If one of undivided kinsmen contract a debt for the use of the family, and either die or be very long absent abroad, the other parceners or joint tenants shall pay the same. The term ‘Kutumba'rthe' which is composed of “ Kutumba (family) and arthe, (for or for the sake of ) is used in many texts on the above subject. Colebrooke in his Digest has sometimes translated it by ‘for the support of the family’ (1), sometimés by ‘for the use of the family” (2), sometimes by ‘for the behoof of the family’ (3), and sometimes by ‘for the benefit of the family” (4), and in doing so he seems to have followed JAGAN NATHA whose compilation is the original of his Digest. Sir William Jones, in one text of MANU, translates it by “ for the use of the family” (5), and in another by ‘for the behoof of the family ’ (6), with out following the Commentator KULLuska BHATTA who in one text (5) has interpreted it by ‘Kutumba-sambarddhana’rđẢam (for the support of the family)', and in another (6) by · Kutumba yaya nimittam (for the expenses of the family).” With due deference to the the two great translators, I have deemed it best to change those translations all along into ‘for the sake of the family,' a signification consistent with the component parts of the term, and most accurate of all, and which has been afterwards adopted by Colebrooke in his translation of Mitdowhara” (7). . . .” The expense attending them must have been reasonable according to the usage and means of the family. Contracted fairly for the use of the family, by whatever member of it not forbidden, it binds the whole. Strange's book on the Hindu Law, vol. I. p. 227. (1) Jaanxavalkya, Nahapa, and Vaikaspark. Dig. vol. I. pp. 200,292, 801, 805, 321. (2) NAíBADA, Ibid, p. 802. - - (a) KATYArasa and Ja'afravauxxa Ibid. pp. 802,820, 827. (4) Karya rasa, Ibid. p. 803. . . . ... (5) Ch.ʻ vríI.v. 100.ʼ. (6) Ch. VIII. o. 167.” ``(i) Ná?ana, Mita?shara','p, 257 vyavastha* Authority . Vyavastha^