গত ৩১ শে জুলাই কলিকাতা হাইকোর্টের সুযোগ্য কৌন্সলি বাবু মনমোহন ঘোষ টিকেন্দ্রজিৎ, কুলাচ প্রভৃতির পক্ষ হইতে বড়লাটের নিকট লিখিত জবাব দাখিল করেন। ঘোষ মহাশয় জবাবে আইন-কানুন সম্বন্ধে অনেক অনেক কথা বিশদরূপে ব্যাখ্যা করিয়াছিলেন। অধিকন্তু
Jubraj before this told you to give the Sahibs over to the executioner, why have you not done it p. And further on, he states that when Tongal General said this, the accused was in the same room apparently asleep. He says, he did not see the accused in the Tope Guard, when he went back there, after having made the officers over the executioner. He denies having called the executioner.
The executioner, tenth witness, gives details of the execution. He says, he was there by order of the Jubraj, and that Yenkoiba called him. The inference of his evidence is that the Sutwal, or chief executioner, was not present at the executions.