পাতা:রবীন্দ্র-রচনাবলী (পঞ্চদশ খণ্ড) - সুলভ বিশ্বভারতী.pdf/২১০

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

ইংরাজি-সোপান à bà) your ticket. Go out into the street. Get into a carriage. Get down from the gharry. Take out your purse. Pay your gharry hire. Put back your purse into your pocket. Come here কুমুদ। (এইরূপে নাম ধরিয়া প্ৰত্যেক ছাত্রকে) Sit down (RSR fER ERSG fER Ess sÓra Ts:9) You sit here. You sit there. Stand up Kumud. (fer fer gir far aRT) You stand here. You stand there. Go. You go there. (SCNSJFGFs fS fèR GR) Run Stop. Come back. Kneel down. Sit down. Lie down. Get up. Come here Kumud. e (F VTrfSC) Have you come here? Č| Yes, I have come here (g:T9 2CV3JKPGK5) You sit here. 2| Have you sat here? č | Yes, I have sat here. (2CV5°PGK5) You stand there. | Have you stood there? TE | Yes, I have stood here. (2CNOKIGK5) You go there. | Have you gone there? 9| Yes, I have gone there. (ICRG) Run here. 3 Have you run here? | Yes, I have run here. (SQG35) Kneel here. 2| Have you knelt here? S| Yes, I have knelt here. (SCOTC-5) Lie down. Sed Have you lain down? VS | Yes, I have lain down. (SYNONTORCKS) Get up. I Have you got up? Si Yes. I have got up. (e.CS(s) You all come here. e Have you all come here? 5 Yes, we have all come here. 2 Has Kumud come here? vs. Yes, Kumudhas come here. (anci (5GPS PICS)