পাতা:রবীন্দ্র-রচনাবলী (পঞ্চদশ খণ্ড) - সুলভ বিশ্বভারতী.pdf/৫১৯

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

Ο Σ. Ο রবীন্দ্ৰ-রচনাবলী ৩। অনুবাদ নিম্নোদ্ধত রচনার ভাবাৰ্থ লিখ। অবিকল অনুবাদ অনাবশ্যক। (5) Do you know what slavery means Suppose a gentleman taken by a Barbary corsair- set to field-work: chained and flogged to it from dawn to eve. Need he be a slave therefore? By no means; he is but a hardly treated prisoner. There is some work which the Barbary corsair will not be able to make him do, such work as a Christian gentleman may not do... that he will not, though he die for it. ... ... He is not a whit more slave for that. But suppose he take the pirate's pay, and stretch his back at piratical oars, for due salaryhew then? Suppose for fitting price he betray his fellow prisoners, and take up the scourge instead of enduring it-- become the smiter instead of the smitten, at the African's bidding- how then? Of all the sheepish notions in our English public mind'. I think the simplest is that slavery is neutralized when you are well paid for it. Whereas it is precisely the fact of its being paid for, which makes it complete. A man who has been sold by another may be but half a slave or none: but the man who has sold himself. He is the accurately Finished Bondsman. অথবা, নিম্নোদ্ধত রচনার ভাবাৰ্থ লিখ। অবিকল অনুবাদ অনাবশ্যক। — (2) The peasant has become more of an individual, with less sense of his duty to his cemmunity and fellows. United action by the village has become more Tare. In the old days a village would combine to build a bridge, a road, a well, a monastery. They hardly ever do so now. The majority cannot impose its will on the minority as it used to do. The young men are under less command: they are more selfish. each for himself. and let the community go hang. Hence the cemmunity suffers and the individual also. All morality and all strength depend on combinations; the higher the organism, the better the morality and the greater the strength. With the loosening of this comes weakness, a deterioration of mutual understanding and a lower ethical standard. Both these are noticeable to all who knew the villager twenty years ago. ... The people are not able to retain all that was good in their old system and at the same time accept the new. They think that they are antagonistic. Japan, however, knows they are not so. ... The conflict of the old and new is seen continually. Yet must the village system still endure, as without it there would be only chaos. It is one real and living organism that exists, that belongs to the people and which they understand. I am sure they will not let it go entirely. ৪। নিম্নোদ্ধত (ক) ও (খ) দুইটি কাব্যাংশের মধ্যে যেটি ইচ্ছা গদ্যে প্ৰকাশ করো। গদ্য রচনারীতির প্রয়োজনানুসারে কিঞ্চিৎ পরিবর্তন ও নূতন যোজনা অসঙ্গত হইবে না।-- (ক) (কুরুক্ষেত্রে অভিমনু্যর মৃত দেহ) দেখিলেন কুরুক্ষেত্ৰ শোকের সাগর। শবচক্ৰ মহাবেলা; প্ৰশান্ত প্ৰাঙ্গণ ব্যাপিয়া পাণ্ডবসৈন্য, উমির মতন উদ্বেলিত মহাশোকে, কাদে অধোমুখেগুণহীন ধনু, পৃষ্ঠে শারহীন তুণ।