পাতা:রামতনু লাহিড়ী ও তৎকালীন বঙ্গসমাজ.djvu/১৪২

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা হয়েছে, কিন্তু বৈধকরণ করা হয়নি।
রামতনু লাহিড়ী ও তৎকালীন বঙ্গসমাজ।

শিষ্যদলের মনের উপরে ডিরোজিওর কি প্রভাব জন্মিয়াছিল, তাহার বিবরণ তৎকালীন কালেজের কেরাণী হরমোহন চট্টোপাধ্যায় মহাশয় লিখিয়া রাখিয়া গিয়াছেন। তাহা হইতে ডিরোজিওর জীবনচরিত লেখক মিঃ এডোয়ার্ডস্ কিয়দংশ উদ্ধৃত করিয়াছেন। তাহাতে নিম্নলিখিত বিবরণ প্রাপ্ত হওয়া যায় –
 “The students of the first, second, and third classes had the advantage of attending a conversazione established in the school by Mr. Derozio, where readings in poetry, and literature, and moral philosophy were carried on. The meetings were held almost daily after or before school hours. Though they were without the knowledge or sanction of the authorities yet Mr. Derozio's disinterested zeal and devotion in bringing up the students in these subjects was unbounded, and characterised by a love and philanthropy which, up to this day, has not been equalled by any teacher either in or out of the service. The students in their turn loved him most tenderly; and were ever ready to be guided by his counsels and imitate him in all their daily actions in life. In fact, Mr. Derozio acquired, such an ascendancy over the minds of his pupils that they would not move even in their private concerns without his counsel and advice. On the other hand, he fostered their taste in literature: taught the evil effects of idolatry and superstition; and so far formed their moral conceptions and feelings, as to place them completely above the antiquated ideas and aspirations of the age. Such was the force of his instructions, that the conduct of the students out of the College was most exemplary and gained them the applause of the outside world, not only in a literary or scientific point of view, but what was of still greater importance, they were all considered men of truth. Indeed, the College boy was a synonym for truth, and it was a general belief and saying amongst our countrymen, which, those that remember the time, must acknowledge, that 'such a boy is incapable of falsehood because he is a college boy.'
 ডিরোজিও এইরূপ উপাদান লইয়া তাঁহার Academic Association একাডেমিক এসোসিএশনের কার্য্য আরম্ভ করিলেন। প্রথমে কিছুদিন