have come to on other conclusion, I don't know what truth there maybe in the statement which you are said to have made to girl Preeo, that you had previously top this, committed four দুষ্পাঠ্য murders. It is plain to my mind, and it has দুষ্পাঠ্য plain to the mind of the jury, that you murdered thiss unfortunate girl. What your motive was is দুষ্পাঠ্য plain. Sedaced by lustful desire to দুষ্পাঠ্য to your own possession those ornaments দুষ্পাঠ্য adorned her body during her life-time, you foully did her to death cruel and most atrocious দুষ্পাঠ্য. I feel it may bounden duty to pass upon yon the extreme sentence of the law, and the sentence that this Court adjudges is that you be taken hence in the place from whence you came, and from thence to the place of execution, there to be hanged by the neck until you be dead.
The prisoner, who took the দুষ্পাঠ্য very calmly, was then romoved from the dock.
This closed the Sessions.”
The Statesman and Friends of India, 4th September, 1884.
কার্ত্তিক মাসের সংখ্যা,
(অর্থাৎ অপহৃত বালক উদ্ধারের অদ্ভুত রহস্য!