পাতা:সদগুণ ও বীর্য্যের ইতিহাস.djvu/১৬৯

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এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

[ 166 ) plough. Not omly were these rewards cordially granted him, but a statue was ordered to be erected to his honour in the temple of Vulcan. 67. Simonides. Simonides, a Greek poet, was asked by the king of Syracuse, What is God? He desired a day to think upon it. When the day was ended, he desired two days, and when these had elapsed, he desired four days more ; thus he constantly doubled the number of days in which he desired to think of God, before he would give an answer. The king at length expressed his surprize at his behaviour, upon which the poet replied, the more I think of God the less am I able to comprehend him. 68. Reply of a little boy. A little boy of great quickness being in the presence of a clergyman, he asked the lad