পাতা:সাহিত্য-সাধক-চরিতমালা তৃতীয় খণ্ড.djvu/৬৭২

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

श्चूिरिफॉर्षेौं विशाजा 繼轉 रिकॉरिडॉर्क क्शिाणइ sáब बार । ♚झड *च, बैकैविक्रम शांक श्रृंठह्मड नद्र७ कारक परमब दिशानद* श्रनिराश्नि । »** नाप्नब cनर*षश् वान बाभार००ष शरण्ष, रेशद न्नदन श्णि जिन शशश *ाच् । किन्त च्थन বিদ্যালটের অবস্থা নিতাই খাৰাপ ইষ পড়িাপি • ১৮৯০-৯১ সালের শিক্ষ-বিষয়ক সরকারী নিয়ন (Appendix A, p. 84 ) দেখিতেছি, ১৮৬০, ডিসেম্বর बाइन शृशैठ जारुणिक नईौकाय

  • “The Hindu Charitable institution-when our countrymen with a show of unanimity and national "pirit kot up w chariable institution for the express purpose of affording means of English education to the children of indigent and the helpless Hindus, in order to deliver them from the necessity of *ending them to the Missionary schools, it raised in us a thrilling hope that it would be an efficient means of imparting English education to hundreda of boys, without their incurring the risk of a los of caste and religion, inasmuch as we were assured that in the existence of an English school under Hindu management pauper Hindes but of respectability will no longer look to the Missionary schools as the only means for the education of their children. Arc these, we concluded as a matter of course, will gradually decline, and so will the propagators of the Gospel be deprived of one of the most powerful agencies of conversion. But from what we see of the state of the Hindu School at present, we have not the remotest hope of its efficiency as to the purpose for which it was established. It is in existence but in name, its only resource is * pality sum of thirty thousand rupees, which yields a monthly interest of one hundred and thirty rupees. This sum barely suffices to entertain a few native masters and to educate a handful of Popover since its institution it was never subjected to a Feneral examination, or the pupils rewarded publicly, hence in its Present state the little good that it is capsbie of doing is lost for "sat ot, proper eare and superintendence"-Benyai harian, 8छtence 1&l. (क्रबार एaिवारrहरेड चमूड) -