$ 8 তারকনাথ গঙ্গোপাধ্যায় Bengali, Babu Bankim Chandra’s works being poems, not novels; and we are therefore glad that it has passed through its third edition. Of its merits, we cannot speak too highly. In describing Bengali domestic life, in delineating real character, in sketching ordinary scenes, the author of Swarnalata, Babu Tarak Nath Ganguli, is without a rival among Bengali writers of fiction. He is a close observer of Imen and manners, and he has a faculty, which seems to be exclusively his, for working up ordinary materials into a highly effective picture. As specimens of characterpainting, his Pramada, his Sarala, his Gadadhar, his Nilkamal, his Syama, and his Sasankasekhara are the best of their kind in Bengali literature. Babu Tarak Nath seems also capable of highly successful efforts at ideal representation. His Sarala is almost an ideal character, and his story of Gopal and Swarnalata possesses a strong ideal cast. As a painter of real ordinary life, both in its comic and in its serious and tragic side, Babu Tarak Nath is unrivalled among Bengali authors; and we are therefore all the Inore desirous to read other works from his pen. We trust he will not sit quiet, but go on enriching his country's literature, and showing the strong and the weak points in the social and domestic system of Bengal in pictures as true and bright and effective as those that are collected in such abundance in the work under notice.—The Calcutta Review, No. CxI,Ix, 1882.
পাতা:সাহিত্য-সাধক-চরিতমালা পঞ্চম খণ্ড.pdf/১৬৫