२b' রমেশচন্দ্র দত্ত print and publish my schemes, face the Maharaja with my proposals, and manage to have my way in a manner which old officers of this State pronounce quite “unconventional” I am trying to relieve the agriculturists of excessive taxation on their land, I am endeavouring to get together capitalists to start new mills and industries, and if I can build up the Legislative Council I will make the work of the State proceed in the interest of the people, and in touch with the people. Everything shall be open and above-board, nothing done in dark tortuous, secret, autocratic ways. Dreams Dreams some will exclaim. Well, let them be so, it is better to dream of work and progress than to wake to inaction and stagnation. This last shall never be my vocation, it is not in my nature....Ever your loving godfather, gttBBB BBB BBS BBBBBB BBBS K BBBB BBBBB তাহার কৰ্ম্মপদ্ধতির তাঙ্গ ছিল না । তিনি যুক্তিতর্কের সাহায্যে বু
- な - ཟཡཁན་༨) མི་ -* -- م؟ সুজাইয়া কর্ম্যোদ্ধারের পক্ষপাতী ছিলেন । ২৫এ জুলাই তিনি দেীচিত্রী সুষমাকে বিলাত হইতে লিখিতেছেন –
I have not had much rest so far. I reached London on the 25th June—just a month ago—and this month I have given to hard work and politics, I have seen all who could help us in our India matters—not only Hume and Sir Henry Cotton and O'Donnell and Gokhale, who have been doing their utmost—but also the Indian Secretary, John Morley. ...Within the short time I have been working, I have created an impression. The partition will not be undone immediately, because Morley has said it is a “settled thing", but I don't despair of its being modified later on.