সরোদার রাজস্ব-সচিস ఛ ఫ I had the map of India before me, and explained to Mr. Morley how a Partition can be effected without offending the people. ...In other matters, Gokhala and I have not been unsuccessful ; and for the first time, after more than ten dreary years, some concessions in the way of extended representation in the Legislative Councils has been announced. This is a good beginning. The present Parliament is quite different from any that preceded it ; there is a large number of earnest Members who are all for India, and the Labour Party feel for India. The credit is due to Gokhale of having drilled these earnest Members in Indian affairs these three months, and I have also done my best during the month I have been here. On the day before the Indian Budget debate, Gokhale and I were invited to a tea party in the House of Commons, and addressed some fifty or more Members of Parliament who had come to listen to us ; and Gokhale has even been invited to the Parliamentary meeting of all nations to be held this week. All things are ready, and we must work earnestly. I will retire from Baroda next year, pass a month or so in Calcutta, and then come and settle down in England, and work with much greater hope of success than I have done within the last nine years under a Tory Government and Lord G. Hamilton I feel like a war-horse at the sound of the bugle ! পরবত্ত ১৭ই নবেম্বর ভারতে ফিরিয় রমেশচন্দ্র পুনরায় চাকুরা: যোগদান করেন । মাত্র তিন বৎসরের পরিশ্রমে তিনি নরোদকে উন্নতির পথে কতটা অগ্রসর করিয়া দিয়া ছিলেন, তাহার লিখিত তিন * 8 Baroda Administration Report eft:; > PFI Rzzi করিতেছে ।
পাতা:সাহিত্য-সাধক-চরিতমালা পঞ্চম খণ্ড.pdf/৫২৪