○も রমেশচন্দ্র দত্ত now to undo its past work, and to accentuate and embitter our caste differences by making them the basis of politica} distinctions ?... India is content with election hy territorial divisions. The defects of that system can be rectified by vesting Government with larger powers of nomination. It would be unwise to abandon that system, and to throw the apple of discord among the numerous castes and creeds cf India by making religious differences the basis of political distinctions. Such a policy would be a bad training for civic life, and would also be a fruitful source of troubles and discord in the future. jr. নববর্ষের শুভেচ্ছা জ্ঞাপন করিয়া তিনি ভারত-সচিবকে এই মট 정 আবেদন করিয়াছিলেন – Calcutta, 20 Jany, 1908 ...the Partition has strengthened the bands of the extremists all over India, and is a god-send to them. The despair of influencing administration by persuasion and reason drove thout ands of men to the camp of unreason,... Disorder must necessarily be repressed with rigour, but the only true remedy for the present unrest, and the only method of making the administration popular and strong in the future, is to secure the co-operation and concurrence of the people, to make thern feel that they are sharers in the administration of their own affairs, Intelligent leaders of the people are consulted in all legislative measures, as there are elected Indian Members in the Legislative Councils, But large changes in the policy of the administration are effected by executive orders, and in such matters the people are kept aloof....We may run our eye over all this vast executive machinery in this great Empire, and we shall not find a single Indian anywhere who is trusted to take a share in shaping the policy of administration. How much is lost by an alien government both in popularity and in the adaptability of its measures through this needless exclusiveness is kuown only to those who are of the people, and who feel the pulse of the people.
পাতা:সাহিত্য-সাধক-চরিতমালা পঞ্চম খণ্ড.pdf/৫৩১