9. 10. ll. 12. 13. 14. 15. সাহিত্য-সেবা 82 Reminiscences of a Workman's Life (Poems) “For Private Circulation only." Cal. 1896, pp 57. England and India a record of progress during a hundred years 1785 1885. London 1897, pp. 166. . Maha-Bharata the Epic of Ancient India condensed into English verse. With an introduction by the Rt. Hon. F. Max Muller. Illust. London 1899, pp. 188. Ramayana. The Epic of Rama, Prince of India condensed into Eng. verse. Illust. London 1900, pp. 194. Open Letters to Lord Curzon on Famines and Land Assessments in India. London 1900, pp. 328. The Lake of Palms a story of Indian domestic life. London 1902. . “A simple story of Bengal village-life appeared in Calcutta, under the title of “Sansar’ in 1885. It is now offered to English readers in an English garb, with some necessary alterations, as a slight effort toward the lifting of that curtain which veils the inner life of the people of India from the West.” . The Economic History of India (1757-1887). London 1902, pp. 454. |Speeches and Paperson Indian Questions : 1897-1900. Cal. 1902, pp. 384. 1901-1902. Cal. 1902, pp. 203. India in the Victorian Age an Economic Hist. of the People (1887-1900). London 1904, pp. 628. §
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