পাতা:হিতোপদেশঃ (লক্ষ্মীনারায়ণ ন্যায়ালঙ্কার).pdf/২৪৮

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

॥ झितिषिदैश्वः । ३२३९ शूंश् च शंशं ब्रह्म दष्मक्षtनौ बङ्ग ! खङ्श्’बनि८ङ८ष्ट्रं এ সকল সর্বপ্রকাৱে অনুপযুক্ত যেহেতুক আদেশের লঙ্গৰ কৱিক আপন পূত্ৰেৱদিগকে ক্ষৰ কৱিৰেন অভএৰ রাজাৱ মনোগণ্ড মনুৱাগের স্বার বিশেষ কি । Mut taking the advantages which are found, concealing the expenditure of things, in attention, want of judgment and the being addicted to pleasures, are all taults in a minister. The cohection of the revenues is the business of the officers; but a constant circumspection, the paywaent of stipends, and ef tile return for labour, are the duties of the sovereign. Until they are pressed, they will not disgorge tire royal treasures they have embezzled; for the officers of revenue are like obstinate tumours, that must be pressed before they will properly discharge. And the compulsive power of the sovereigns of the earth should be exerted repeatedly upon their officers; for will a piece of cloth, by being once squeezed, yield up all the water it may have imbibed? 像 The whole of this advice, cenckaded the lien's brother, should be put in practice, as often as there is found occasien. 畿 Tke raja then said,—ft is even se, t&at tkese twe we not always ready to obey my commands. And that, replied his brother, is at no time becomiag in them: for, A sovereign should not forgive those who dis obey his commands, although they were his sons. Especially if it be to the hurt of the revenue, or relative to any thisg he may kave fixed his heart upea.