ইম so, v. a. to thrust, to stab, to gore, to ram, to punch: s. a thrust, a stab. S = R, s. a punching, goring, stabbing: a gored, punched, thrust at, stabbed. *sfga1, $ sf##1, a. goading, accustomed to gore (applied to horned animals). 351, v. a. to punch, thrust, to ram, gore, to stab, to knock: s. a stab, a thrust. s orgfē, s. a mutual stabbing or goring. gross, s. the act of thrusting or goring, a stabbing, a ramming, a beating down. g<*i, ssE, a tuft, bunch, cluster,nosegay. 87, s. the anus, pudendum muliebre. 3WV, s. rags and the like stuff, a quilt. 8 FG, srst, s. a bed quilt, a quilt, a rug. &Wor, s. a very great degree of fear. gol, s. marrow; a kind of bird. [house. 3WIN, s. a warehouse, magazine, a store3.71:11, s. a ferry, the plying of a ferry. &WIgfosfü, s.landing-placeofaferry boat. gorgicato, s. a ferry, a ferry-boat. , s. a dock-yard, a dock for shipping. SA, 8. a sack, bag, wallet, pack, gunny *songsoo, s. capacity, gain, advantage. 3. Giffort, a gainful, advantageous. *gato, s. a crime, sin, guilt, a fault. satosta, a guilty, sinful, criminal. SzTESTÄt, s. faultiness, sinfulness; a fine. & Coil, a secret, not manifest (as blows). & Coifal, s. a secret blow, assassination. go?', a. silent: e. a kind of sugar plum. §o, a, concealed, hidden, secret, guarded. 3ozgat, goafo), s. a secret, secret word. 3*C*I, s. disguise, a concealed habit. 83.3C's, ad. in disguise, incog. §3 off, s. a concealed state. [tinely. 33 -etta, scos, ad concealedly, clandes831, 8, a woman who conceals heramours. 3oE, s, a mountain-pass, a ravine. go, v, a to write badly or blottedly. safos!, a. pertaining to cow-dung. safāzīrūtūl, s. a kind of potherb. safostofo, s. a species of beetle. 8:15, s, the betelnut and its tree.” GEI, v. n. to be mouldy or musty (as hay or corn when stacked up): s. a discontinuing at intervals to lay eggs. р 2 [ 107 | 令列 so, s. heat, sultriness, closeness. goto, a hot season, sultry weather. safat, a. mouldy, tainted, musty. 8 TA, A. a. to buzz, murmur: s. buzzing sound: pride, haughtiness; advantage, STFs, sagte, s. abuzzing, are-echoing, the act of rebellowing, a rumbling. 8 TF1, v. a. to buzz, to rebellow, to rum ble, to echo: s. the nightmare. sugeri, sayil, a. mouldy, musty, stale. *Sofo, s. a suspicion, a fancy, pride. 8 SIfáì, a. suspicious, fanciful, capricious, *S*T*[o], s. an agent, a factor. [proud. *song, s. a tower, a turret, a dome, vault. Sosa, s. the growing musty or stale. 8¤1, 8. the betel-nut; the anus. såt, a. white, fair: e. a fair woman. 83, great, heavy, important, honorable, accented: s. spiritual guide, a preceptor, a teacher, a parent, a superior. §§§, s. a superior, a guru. [weighty. SF5F, a. compar. deg. more important, 835°tos, s. a violater of his guru's bed. 835, -o, s. importance, weight, greatness, honorableness, glory, majesty. gow.fool, s. a fee given to a guru. 337s, given by a preceptor or superior. &W*II, s. death of a parent or superior. &##tfoss, a putin possession of his mantra by his guru or spiritual guide. so, s. a preceptor, a spiritual guide, a parent, a superior. softwo, a censuring or reproaching superiors: 8, one who does so. soft-wl, s. the reproaching or censuring, of a preceptor or superior. soot, s, the wife of a spiritual guide. 3&oiso, a. difficult of digestion. §§ostos.s. a great crime, heinous offence. 33,434, s. making an oblation to a guru. sgyze, s. a long or accented vowel. গুরুবার, or বৃহসপতিবার, s. Thursday. 3 gozig, s. a firm conviction, a clear idea. goof, a. devoted to a spiritual guide. ggs efer, s. devotedness to a preceptor. sgeta, s. preceptorship, weightiness. SFF STF, s. a heavy load, a great weight.
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