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পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/১২০

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গুলি [ soof, s, great happiness. [ricide. 9.gg Ejl, s. the murder of a guru, a pargāff, s, the sayings of a preceptor. 8£E5fg*, s. pronunciation of a longor accented vowel; words uttered by a guru. 33 gos, s. the answer of a preceptor. govişīrū, s. attendance on the lectures or instructions of a preceptor. & soft, v. a. to cause a palpitation. 3 sofa, s. occasioning of a palpitation. 343 of Al, s. a preceptor's wife; a mother or other superior female relation. 33 fostol, s. the respect due to a pre ceptor, to a parent, or a superior. 8fst át, a. pregnant, with child. 3&t, a. pregnant, weighty, great, heavy, important: 8, wife of a spiritual guide. SEI, v. a. to melt, dissolve (in a liquid): s: a ferrule with which a pedal, etc. is shod; a ballof charcoal, afire-ball; the snuff of a candle or lamp; the burnt tobacco of a huká; a globe, a ball. +ga, s. a nose, a flower; -wrot, a flower plant; -ossot, a kind of narcissus;” -xù, a drug; -off, a flower plant.” gā, ś, s. a collection, a multitude, a *&#zoo, s. conserve of roses. [number. §ossi, s, the shaving of a piece of wood to make it round; a pair of snuffers. gigs, s. a medicinal climbing plant.” §ostof, s, a pair of snuffers. &oiso, s. rice-pap; pellet-bow, cross-bow. &#x, s. the dissolving of a substance in S FizitzII, s. a hyena. [a liquid. *śāzī, s. a species of wild fig-tree.” *gzisizsz, ez Irtõzst, s. conserve ofroses. soil, off, s, a multitude, a collection. *gātāta, s. a small fragrant flower-tree." 3&st=[[I, s. a species of pomegranate tree with double flowers but no fruit. &#swift, s. a receptacle for rose-water. 3&TIz, s. a rose, rose-water. gafosi, s, the same as osso. gossát, a. pink, rosy, rose-scented, rose. gofiosit, s. a kind of fragrant plant." Srst, s. a pill, bolus, a ball, bullet: a number, some few; e.g. off, some few. 108 || গৃহ gf> 5,8 sta, s. a few, a number, some. 3foil 3, s. a casting of lots, a lottery, a sharing out by lot, or by casting dice. 3foil, a globular: s. a kind of fish. sforgia, garden of roses; name of a book. 3:it, s. a pill, bolus, a ball, bullet, a pellet, a bullet of earth, a cannon ball. gossi, s. a hubbub, a noise, a clamour, common or town talk, a general report. *&#13:51, s. a kind of fritters. [bow. goso, 3.58s, s, a pellet-bow, a crossof, s, the ankle. 35-5sfä, ankle-bone. 35S, s. a shrub, bush; induration of the mesenteric glands; division of an army. 33it, a. abounding with bushes or shrubs, afflicted with the disease called gulma. গুল, গেড়িমুড়া, 4vgt, s. the heel. La cave. G=1, s. a ravine, cavern, a dell, a valley, 3*J, a. coneealable: s. the anus. go Jö1, s. concealableness, secresy. 3 = JCW of, s, the anus, the private parts. & EJoin, s. a recess, a private place. 3ỉ, 8. ordure, excrement, dung, filth, rust. গঢ়, a. concealed, abstruse, mysterious. 555, a. illegitimate, bastard. গৃঢ়তা, s. secresy, concealedness, abstruse57-17, s. a serpent, a snake. [ness. গৃঢ়পুরুষ, s. a Scout, a spy. - sigsfestät, a. proud of obscurity, affect .ing abstruseness or mystery به س— সূয়া, a. smeared with ordure, having the scent of ordure; -zsizsä1, a small tree;” -cool, or -osifo, a species of bird.” ‘son, s. a carrot; poisoned flesh. 33, a greedy: s a vulture; vide fiiae. গৃধুলী, s. pains about the loins, lumbago. ogg, s. a house, a habitation;-কর্ত্ত,master or builder of a house; -of-offs, domestic duties, household work, building ofahouse;-5iis, homeborn; -Wig, burning of a house; -HİRE, an incendiary; -zsät, a house-dweller; -N-(J,—IIA, inside of a house; -osol, guarding of a house; -রক্ষাকর্ত্তা, guardian of a house. ofotsiifol, s, the small house lizard. }=fēH, s a family quarrel, family fault. ĝ=<tē, s. a tumbler pigeon.