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পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/১২১

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Cst T [ ofocos.family dispute, domestic foud. jasa, s. the breaking down of a house. %*t*it, a. sowing dissension in a family, officious, betraying family secrets. $="IRJ, a. destitute of a house. ***, a residing or situated in a house: s: a house-dweller, a householder. ojoso, s. duties incumbent on a houseofotsi, a residing in a house. [holder. joseo, s,the conditionof a householder. ofo, situated or dwelling in a house. of it, s. a wife, mistress of a house. zpět, a. domestic, worldly, not ascetic. ofoto, a received, taken, accepted. ows, otoito, a versed in science. *Co., ad. at home, in the house. *I*J, s. a ritual of domestic duties. căşş, s. a tuberous root. [foam or froth. গেজ, v. n. to ferment, to be covered with cãs, s, the plumula or sprout of a seed, a pustule when first beginning to form. cigal, a. in a state of fermentation, covered with froth or foam: s. biestings. গেজা, v. a. to beat into a foam, to cause to ferment: s tops of hemp; biestings. Østa, s. act of beating to foam or froth. Øss, s. a purse, bag; grass-cutter's bag. cặEItā, a, addicted to gánjá: s. a sot. গেট, গেটিয়া, a. knotty, knobby, genicuof givisã, a the same as cool. [lated. cofo, s, the tying of a knot. cšigi, a stout, plump, short and thick. ciifs, s. a species of snail; vide বদনা, coissessicosion, s. a variety of Cobra de oforso, s. a species of snail. [capello. র্গেভু, s, a ball for play, a granulated root. গেড়অ। s: a ball of flowers. [to faulter. csso, v. n. to make a faultering noise, 8. a kind of sweetmeat. căţă, or cool, s, a marygold." coff, s, the cry of a watchman. cosa, s. a whining cry or lamentation. cojo, goso, s. a ball for play. [box. assaji, s. a drawer, a till, a division in a co, a fit or proper to be sung. cost, v. n. to fall, to drop down: s, a knot. goigs, s, a falling down; an eclipse. 109 | গোকু goigs, v, a to cast or throw down. [down. of 314,8. athrowing down, thrown or cast cs #,-stift, s. red-ochre, ruddle, redearth. coiosos, a clever, prudent, respectable. *গেদ, a. circular: e. a circle, a boundary. গের্দৰায়, a. surrounding on all sides. coatán, s. a being on all sides; a policeCŞişl, v.a. to cause to swallow. [officer. corn, cofassà, s. a causing to swallow. c5f3f71, a. loquacious, talkative, boasting. c5f5, s. a habitation, a house. [village. issil, s, the country, opposed to a city, a Rossi, a deep: s. a deep place, an abyss. isisłą, s. red-ochre, ruddle, red earth. issot, a. desirous of talents or virtues. Coil, s. a cow, ox; betel-nut; voc, part. used in respectfully addressing a person. (sifsitzīst, s. a milkmaid, a dairymaid. Coilsitzil, s. a cow-keeper, a dairyman. Golf NTzifrif $1, s. the part of a town or village inhabited by cow-keepers. [spy. cossa'al, s. spy, a scout; -forát, office of a coil, s. advantage, opportunity; a projection in masonry; a bellowing sound. «ărcă, s. a bellowing sound. ள்ைள, . a peg, a wooden pin, a stake. coissil, v. a. to thrust straw into old thatch for repairing it: s. a peg, pile, stake. cărg, s. a lump, ball, clod; a prominence, a swelling; a. prominent, gibbous. cšísonife, s. a prominent navel. city, s. prominence, aball; a bigot, blind partizan, a flatterer, leader of a band. csirşisel, s.quicklime,lime.ofcockleshells. city folio, s. species of shell-fish. গোড়ানেবু, 8. a variety of lime. сšitytv, osigifit, s. bigotry, partizanship, bloated praise, bombast, flattery. c#iñ, s. gum, gum arabic, gum of Mimosa cito, s. mustaches, whiskers. [arabica. cottoso, a having large mustaches.[oxen. căițăral, s, panniers, baskets borne by csstos. s. a shortspan; a snake; antelope. Cosso, s. oblation of straw made to a cow. গোকিল, 8. a pestle; a plough. গোকুল, s a herd of cows, a cow-pen. cotto, cost, s, the name of a plant.