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পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/১২৯

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ঘোষ cystol, 8, a metal plate, a gong. çIfsz, s. a horse; fem. C#. Trace. costly,8. hinderpart of ashoe;-cos, horsecosystify, s. a carriage drawn by horses. corofoil, a. pulled up behind (as shoes). cargo,8.spread around, wrapped round. ঘোড়শাল, ঘোড়াশালা, ৪. a stable. çT151, s. a horse; fem. Tšt, or IFt. cxsyssols. a riding, a horseman, cavalry. cost offs, s. a variety of the Melia azadicolotoss, s. a kind of pulse.' ... [rachta. cosg, s. an elk: a, fond of riding. cosial, s, a sort of musquito curtain. costol, s, the betel-nut tree. costof, s, a large bush: a, dark, bushy. cofotos, s. large bushes, windings. cȚItoiz srst, s. a port, an harbour. costosto, a.bushy,abounding with bushes. coststü1, s. a veil for the face; -W1, to veil. color, a terrific, gloomy, dark, dreadful, awful, formidable, tremendous; intricate, abstruse, occult, recondite: s. darkness, gloom, horror, dread. Cossos, a very dreadful, gloomy, awful. CTTFS,-SA, s.awfulness, dreadfulness, obscurity, gloominess, gloom, darkness. Cosgrofo, s. the dispelling of gloom. Cossos, v. a. to revolve, to whirl, to turn. 8. a whirling: a revolving, whirling. costate, s. causing of a thing to revolve. cvTfgf«f, qwTgfai, a. recondite, mysterious, ambiguous, vague, dark, obscure. cxico sitcos, ad. darkly, obscurely, by signs cafés, s. buttermilk; an eddy. [or tokens. Cat-ison, s, the churning of butter. cofoit, s. a churning stick; a plant.” cosion, v. a. to make muddy, to dissolve: a. turbid, muddy, semifluid, dissolved. costätsääl, a muddy, turbid, semifluid. catatz, s. a stirring of water to make it turbid: a, dissolved, turbid, semifluid. cofossol, a dissolving, making muddy. cost&isit, a thick, turbid, muddy. costs, s, a sound, a cry, an appellation, an appellation applied to herdsmen. costsell, s. a proclamation, a sermon, public preaching; -w, or -o, to proclaim. I 117 | চক costselfo, s. a written proclamation. coastfo, s. a public or auction sale. costs 1,9. a. to proclaim, to publish, make known, to preach, to inculcate. costafa, s.a proclaiming, a publishing, a preaching: a. proclaimed, published. cofas,a. proclaimed, published, preach ed, declared, inculcated. ঘেীর, s. meditation, deep reflection. EI, a. destructive, ruinous; only used as the last member of a compound word. *Isostaff, s, a whining cry of a child. go, s. a scent, a smell, act of smelling. সুাণেন্দ্রিয়, 8. the sense of smelling. SITE, a. smelled to, scented. g, the fifth consonant. It is scarcely ever used except when compounded with another letter;-offs, the letter g. 5, the sixth consonant; it has the sound of ch in child: conj. and, also. 5518, 8. the jaw-bone; -o, to have the locked jaw, to be seized with Tetanus. 5*, s. a kind of pepper (Piper chuvya). Boo, s. a market-place, a square. 5&zot, 5&forza, s. a square of buildings. 5:53, 544, s. a lapping, a lapping sound. 5&1, 5:54to, s.the ruddy goose;” sem.5fs, sz3I5fà, s. idem. (the generic name). Soss, a. the letter 5. [ful, affrighted. 5fGS, a.timorous, alarmed, startled, fear5Coffs, s. a species of partridge;" timber. 5Cosgoto, s. a timber (the best). [ping. 53585, a.shining, vivid, clear, glaring; lapচকচকনি, চকচকি, চকমকানি, ৪.brightness, brilliancy, lustre, clearness, glare. 585son, a glaring, bright, glittering. 5«gatsm, s. a tally of land; vide 5<;xfà. boo, s. a glaring, a glittering, a flash. 5&sso, v.m. to shine, flash, glare, glitter. 5.ofs, s. a flash, a glare, glitter; a flint. চকমকিপাথর, s. a fint. sofol, a glaring, radiant, flashing. 5&#1,8.adistrict, province, estate, manor, a number of villages. [the manor. Boswig, s. owner of a district, a lord of 5&#Tofft, e. the office of a chakládár.