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পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/১৪১

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চেটি c5 of, s, the mind, intellect, the reasoning faculty, understanding, the sensorium. C5'STI, s. the soul, understanding, consciousness, intelligence, wisdom, a sensation, reflection, an idea,asentient being. c5 ost, a. intelligent, sentient. c5 5-1, s. sensation,life, feeling, stimulus. C55-1-4311, -osie, g. the act of stimulating, exciting, or admonishing. [alive. c55affo, a.intelligent,sensible, sentient, C5REColos, God as the fountain of wisdom. c5 el, v. a. to stimulate, to awaken, to con vince, to make a person feel. £55R, 8. the convincing or stimulating of a person: a, stimulated, excited. C5otso, s. stimulation, excitation. c5 offital, s, one whostimulatesorexcites. C5s, conj. if, though: ad although. c5°(51, a compressed, flattened, flat. ç5°õIRIGI, a. flat-nosed, snub-nosed. (5:1, v. a. to cleave, split, tear, to cause to cleave or tear: a torn, split, cleft. c5?sia, s. the causing to cleave, split, or tear any thing: a split, cleft, torn. c5&ifa, s. a cleaving, splitting, tearing. c5+15t, c5%is, e. wages for cleaving or c55, s. cloth, clothes, garment. [tearing. C5R1, s. a particular sort of cloth. CŞāl, v. a, to hew, to chip: 8, a chip; a disciple, a scholar, a mate; a fish.” C5Roso, s. a chip, a large and long chip. c5so, s. silken cloth, satin. Lwashed. CŞāān, s. water in which rice has been চেষ্টক, a. acting, endeavouring, persevering: s. oneengaged in an undertaking. CŞān, e. the acting, engaging or endea vouring to do or accomplish a thing. col, s, action, application, exertion, endeavour, labour, pursuit, search, effort; 35, or -oil, to make an effort, to exert. চেষ্টা -কারক, কারী, a. active, exerting, seeking: e. one who exerts or seeks. &#Isfää, activity, attention to business. c551f4 s, engaged, eager, active, zealous. assos, a sought, engaged in, laboured for, endeavoured. [sought after চেষ্টিতব্য, a. proper to be laboured for or 8 [ 129 J চোট ts, e, a kind of pepper (Piper chuvia.) čsts, a voc. par used in calling ducks. Č5 saj,e sensation, consciousness, feeling, knowledge, the soul, spirit, a name of God; the leader of a sect of Hindus. tojoso, a stimulating, exciting: e. he who stimulates or excites to action. 755), s. a large tree under which a stone or the image of an idol is placed. too, s. a Hindu month, part of March and part of April; -os, paradise of Kuvera. CŞ1, v. n. to ooze out, to leak, to drop, to drip, to distil, to shed out: s. a well. CŞtoll, v. a. to cause to leak or ooze out: w. n. to ooze out: a leaked, oozed. CŞsota, or CŞfon, 8. the oozing, leaking, dripping, or distilling of a liquid. c51-5Tsä, 8. the jaws, the jawbone. [cined, сštal, v. a. to burn, calcine: a. burnt,calçĞtsıtz, ç51ziz, s. burningor calcining of any sort of grain: a calcined, burnt. cătolfo, s. calcining of grain to powder. cổrgi, v. a. to sharpen, whet, to strop or set a razor: a, whetted, keen, sharp. cățots, 8, the whetting of a knife or other edge tool: a. whetted, sharpened. cšfoots", s, the whetting of a knife, etc. căfolā, a. whetted, sharp, acute, keen. CŞss, s. a splinter, the internal woody fibres of a palm or other tree. cšt5, v. a. to strip offseeds, torun (with all the might). a, rough (as a writing): e.g. a rough copy, a rough draught. (515sai, a. abounding with woody fibres. cörel, a rough, applied to writings: e.g. a rough copy: s. a pocket-book. c5f<,s.desire, liking, pleasure, vide চেীক, c5tzsi, v. a. to adjust, to settle, whet: 8, an adjustment: a sharp, strong (asliquor, acid, bitter, etc.); adjusted, settled. c5tzoto, cofosso, a. sharp, whetted, keen. c51-1, p. to whet, sharpen; -3.1x, a pimp. cssotta, s. the sharpening of an edge tool. c5tw1, s. a tube, pipe; a girl (in irony.) asso, s. a hurt, blow, contusion, stroke, wound;-asso, to wound; -oto, to hurt. c5twool, a wounded, hurt, bruised.