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পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/১৪২

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চৌআ asisi, v. a. to cut, chop, to smite, strike: s. usury, an exorbitant rate of interest. csson, s, wounding, striking repeatedly. c5tal,v.to expelurine (as a cow): S. urine. c5tna, s. a choosing, a selecting, picking. c5tal, v. a. to cause to select: a, selected. c5tzi, s. astroke, the stroke of a weapon. cStots, v. n. to imbibe, to sink (as paper.) c51°ts], v. a. to imbibe moisture, to sink (as paper); a. imbibed, moist. cStøtsta, s. sinking (as paper): a. imbibed, admitting the ink to sink into it. CŞtotaff, s, the imbibing of ink bypaper. c5foil, v. a. to strike with a weapon, to cause to strike; s. the face; the rind. c5tz, s. a mace, astaff;-W13, a mace-bearer; -FTF, the office of a mace-bearer. c5tafsät, s. China root, an aromatic dring, CŞtaff, s, the attempt of a snake to bite. c5tal, s, rind of a fruit, a tegument, peel. *C5H5T, S, a terrace or summer-house; a custom-house; a police-office. c5!gtsä, CSI: If, s, the lower jawbone. CSIs, s. a thief, a robber, a pilferer. c5tzäïêt, (5T£*{εῖ, s. akindofgrassthe seeds of which stick in the clothes. চোরছিদ্র, s: a peep-hole, a crevice. C5țg 1, a.stolen, clandestine, hidden,secret. CSIzsis, a. stolen: s. theft, robbery, pilfercstasissé, s. a pitfall, covered pit. [ing. CSTATF1, CSI:II*IIS, s. a blow in secret, asCSTAT&iqt, s. a bye road. [sassination. CSI:Tzoff, s. a quicksand. c5tzft, s, theft, robbery, thievery. C5fäfäş, s. a cuirass, armour; rind.[fleece. CSTR, v.a. to suck, to imbibe, to wring, to CSR’s, a. sucking: s. an extortioner, a blood-sucker, one who sucks. [in. c51×a, s. a sucking, imbibing, drinking CST81, v. to cause to suck: s. suction: a. c5Tata, s. a sucking: a, sucked. [sucked. CŞostfi, s. suction, imbibing. [vages. c5f5f5, s. a tribe of mountaineers, saCŞtol, s. a square plat of ground dug in order to raise up embankments. cỆstēzi, a seventy-four. costa, a fifty-four. I 130 চৌপ cỆstfart, a. forty-four. costfänit, a. the forty-fourth. চৌক, a, four: s. the eye; in acct, four pans marked thus (1*); a square, a market. cos, a circumspect, attentive, vigilant. cỆzgāTĒ, csigát, s. circumspection, attention, vigilance, caution, watchfulness. cool, s, a square plat of ground marked out, on which a Hindu dresses his food. cStars, s. a door frame. cSłotal, s, a harpoon with four prongs. coifs, a chair, a bench, a stool; guard, watch; -wl, to mount guard, to watch; -ETAT, -off-I1, a watch-house, guardhouse. চৌকিদার, 8. a watchman, a sentinel. confäntät, s, the office of a watchman. cofioratosi, s. a guarding, a watching. cúsà:1, a by fours: s. a watchman. CŞicoid, a quadrangular, square. CŞıçotal, a square: s. a square. [tent. চৌকোশী, a. four kros distance, or in ex& Coltoft, a. square, having four roofs. *&isita, s. a kind of play, crickets or cats. c5IS-, 5#3), a. four-fold. cSixfg, s. the space of four hours. চেীঘরা, a. having four receptacles. CŞışività, ad, on all sides, all along, flat. călstål, s. a hipped roof, a bungalow. cătă, or CŞış, a. a fourth, one-fourth. col, or cool, a the fourth. CŞığı, or cot, s, a fourth, a quarter. cồi gi, a wide, broad. (SigfĒ, s. width, breadth. [house. CSR5141, a four-stringed: 8, a summerCGlfā", thirty-four. c5tfā-tl, thirty-4th. চৌথ, চৌথাই, s. a fourth part, a quarter. CŞiffs, s, four quarters of the heavens. costs, ad, on all sides, all around. cSlowtai, s. a palankeen, a litter, a pálki. cầRĩ, or cÐì3ĩl, a. fourteen. comfo, a, the fourteenth, [of four. চৌধুরী, s. a titleofhonourindicating chief চৌপল, চৌপ হল, a. Square: 8. a square cGoiât:1, a quadrangular. [bottle. cölzito, s. a college, a school, academy. চৌপাড়, or চৌপাড়ি, s. a die, dice. c5iotify Cozil, s. play at dice.