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পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/১৬২

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টঙ্কা caststro, s. the causing a tree orbush to be lopped or trimmed: a lopped, trimmed. cassigtät, s. the lopping or trimming of a casioi, s. a bush, a bushy tree. [tree. catviatoi, s. bushes and shrubs. [hut. caffol, or castost, s. a cottage, a shed, a cassors, s. a trickling,an oozing,a leaking. cast: cil, s. a watercourse, a water-fall, a cataract, a cascade, a drain, a gutter. calfg 1, calfgT, 8. idem: v. a. to make to ooze or leak, to cause to trickle. [leak. Cassio, s. the causing of water to ooze or cartosifa, s. an oozing or leaking. [swing. Cassi, v. n. to be pendent, to hang down, Cătă, s. broth, soup, gravy; a brood. Cosson, s. a swinging, a hanging pendent. cofoil, s. a swing, a knapsack, a wallet, a wrinkle; -āros to be overcome by heat or fatigue; also, v. a. vide *£*l. cafā187, s. liquid treacle or molasses. Cafasso, s. a suspending, a causing to oscillate: a. made to swing, pendent. Cofits, s. a swinging or suspending. cassà, s. a knapsack, a wallet, a bag. so, the tenth consonant of the Bengáli alphabet. It is seldom used alone. is, the eleventh consonant of the Bengāli alphabet. It has the sound oft hard. | ÞziÈ Azi, Þzīsfāzi, a tossing about like io, s. an elevated shed, a pigeon-house. ion, Box, s. feather ornament for adrum. টক, v. n. to be acid: im. 8d. of a rap, a tap. iño, a. acid, sour, tart: s. acidity. টকু আ1, Wooji, a. acid, sour, tart. [ping. টকটক, s. redness, glowing redness, a rapisofoil, a red, ruddy, blood-coloured. È GEH, s. emulation,a rap, knock; -õitsi, to issos, s. a flowering shrub.' [rap, knock. টগরিয়1, a. prating, talkative, garrulous. isz., s, borax, a spade or hoe, a stone-cutter's chisel, a hatchet, sacrificial knife, a cimeter, a scabbard, anger, the leg. È sta, s. borax; a spade; the leg. È stoffS, s. the master of the mint. [ing.) ižoral, co-stoi, s. the mint (for coinछे झा, Rol, s. a silver coin, a rupee, money. [ 150 | फेठे isotor, s, the twang of a bow-string, the sound of a stringed instrument, spasm, cramp, astonishment, fame, notoriety. #xtsää1, s. a spasm, the cramp. #so, a, estimated, appraised. Ďal, Bostā, s. a dispute, quarrel, squabble. is:{zo, Bazotēl, s, the sudden recollection of a thing as if by the ringing of a bell. üais, s. the sound of a metallie plate. টন্‌ক, টন্‌ক', v. n. to be hard, to be solid; v. a. to make hard: a hard, firm, solid. টনটন, 8. throbbing sensation of tumour. issal, v. n. to throb, smart; to be tense. #x3-tsa, s. a throbbing; tenseness. টন্‌টনিয়া, throbbing, painful, tense, tight. 5°io, 5-fool, v. a. to leap over a fence. iota, s. the act of leaping over a wall. §2 offt, s. a leaping over a wall. iszäzirfa, s. a continual dripping of rain. ફ્રેન્દ્રના, s. a song sung in short solo parts. iń, v. n. to vacillate, stagger, slip, slide. È Ha, s. a vacillating, staggering, reeling. 5ziftal, a.staggering, vacillating, reeling. iol, v. n. to cause to stagger, slip, slide, to cause to vacillate or shrink from. ##f7, s. the making a thing unsteady, the making a person stagger. টলটল, ÞzīITā, s.astaggering ortottering motion, a tossing about (as a boat). ižňal, v. n. to stagger, reel, vacillate. a boat, staggering, tremulous. [a boat. টলমলা, v. n. to be tossed up and downlike i; 31, p.a. to be brittle or fragile: a, brittle. is a #, s. the collecting of materials for a feast; the begging from house to house. È gziņazs1, s. trifling work, job work. is a #2, s. act of walking, or going about with singing as some beggars do. issã], v. a. to put off, to temporize: s. a walk for pleasure, or for begging. is gatfos a temporizing. [val. Þsfērzi, a. collecting articles for a festi#1 an enclitic particle frequently used in composition; e. g. ⅈ i, a horse; gaio, only one, etc. [ոսոbed. isfüzil, v. m. to shrink with cold, to be be