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পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/১৬৩

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টান। [

  1. feats, ifostfa, s. a shrinking with cold,

a being shrunk up or benumbed. #14, p.a. to appraise, to ascertain, to fore tell; to sew, to stitch, to tack together. টাকন, ৪. the appraising of goods, the ascer. taining of price; a stitching, atacking. isiosa, s. appraisement of goods, a stitching, a tacking of things, a patching. isol, s, the appraising of goods; a stitch, a tack: a. stitched, tacked: v. a. to cause to stitch or tack;-wl, to stitch, to tack. igra, s baldness, morbid baldness. isfavirgi, a bald, morbidly bald. [ness. issoisol, s, the (insector) cause of baldis to 1, 8. the palate or roof of the mouth. is existi, s, the mint (for coining). issot, s. a silver coin, a rupee, money. টাকুয়', 8. a spindle, a skewer. [thread. Wigg, s. a reel, a machine used to twist টাকুর TĒ, s. a cramp, a spasm. *f;, v. n. to be suspended, to hang. [leg. isso, s. a spade, a hoe, an axe, borax, the È izra, s. act of suspending; a hill poney. 151 | টিক - pulling, stretching, the warp of cloth, a spasm, tension;-wl, to strain, stretch: a drawn, pulled, far, long (a journey). iotassiso, s.a.reciprocal pulling, a rivalry in trade, a struggle, hardship. *faifa, s. a pull, strain, draught, tension, iotarzotzi, e, a hanging lamp. [a spasm. টানটোন, a.severe, harsh, inflexible; pulling and hauling: s. exigency, want. Gt-Fi, s. a dispute, a quarrel, a wrangling. টাপর, 8. a tap, a rap, a slight stroke. isvil, s. a cage for fowls made of wicker work, a musquito screen for babes. Broj, s. an island, an isle. ütsjüs, s: jobs, employmentatlightwork. issista, ad, equally, neithermore norless. B=1, v. a. to procrastinate, to dillidally, to trifle, to pretend, to temporize. টাল, 8. a pretext, an excuse, procrustination, shuffle, a pretence, a fit of fainting. #so, s. a procrastinating, a putting off, a shuffling, the using of pretences. Èlzifizi, a. temporizing, procrastinating. issol, v. a. to hang up, to suspend: a. | টালাটালি, s. a temporizing, procrastina suspended, hanging. spended. issoria, s. a hanging up: a hung up, susit off, s, the hanging up of a thing. is, of otos, s. a hanging lamp, a lantern. Bizt, s. anaxe, abattle-axe, a halberd; the male organ of generation. Iburnt up. isis, ifāl, v. n. to smart, to throb, to be issã, s. Eng. a tile for flooring. [tion. FT, s. an excuse, an evasion, an equivocation; -, to put of to shuffle. fü, an enclitic particle indicative of diminution or affection; e. g. confs, the girl; দুটি ev, a little rice, etc. f; 9.1, foil, s. a species of parrot. [stop. isis, s. a copper dish used in worship; in- টিক্‌, v. n. to last, continue, endure, stand, terest by the day; canvass, sackcloth. 5*, s. the lasting of any work, a stop itsis, s. a smarting, throbbing, a being burnt up; a. painful, withered. টাটা ীি, s. virulence of pain, a smarting. wifs, s. a fence, a mat-screen; a privy. istol, s. a cup, a mug, a small basin. টাটু, টাটুয়া, s: a poney, country horse. isogi, a fresh, new, not stale. WTR, v. a. to pull, to row, to pull an oar, to draw, attract, drag, tow: a. dear,scarce, much in request, hard, harsh, severe: s. a pull, the strength of a stream, attraction, force, a spasm, a violent tension. isian, s. a pulling, drawing, attracting. ital, v, a to cause to pull or draw s. a fog, so, a, elevated, ridged. Iping. f;&l, s. charcoal dust dough made like a dollar, dried in sun, and used as fire; an ornament for a woman's forehead, a mark on the forehead; inoculation. folwig, s. one who inoculates. f;&ign, s. a kind of kettle-drum. f;&t, s. a small tuft of hair left on the crown of a Hindu, a crest. totsoy, s. a plant having sticky seeds.” fosso, s. a ticking noise; a prohibition: faf siz, s. act of ticking. [r. m. to tick. footfa, s. a ticking sound. Inoise. fossal, v. n. to tick, to make a ticking