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পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/১৮৩

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তোষ [ costs, s. a parrot, a paroquet, the cock of a gun, the pommel of a saddle. cosét, s. a female parrot or paroquet csfUS, a word used to express stammerczta, s. an iron-headed goad. [ing. corvi, s. a gun, cannon,artillery. [battery. coroforsal, s. artillery,a park of artillery,a coefoist, s. an artillery-man, a gunner. cofol, s. a bundle, a portulanteau, a bag. cytowfos, s, gunfire, the firing of a cannon. cool, a rare, uncommon, good, excellent, admirable, beautiful, wonderful. Cososol, v. a. to cause a thing to shrivel or contract: s. a portmanteau, a bag. Gofa Voss, s. the causing a thing to shrivel or contract: a. shrivelled, contracted. - *Coszi, g. regret, repentance, sorrow. Cofisos, s. an iron crowbar. Göß, e. water; -fift, the sea, ocean. Göß7, a giving water: s. a cloud. CEf>T1, pron. you; used only in composition; e.g. Cosstoo, by your agency. cost-IIos, pron. your (honorific). [grass. cērzs, pron. your (toinferiors): s. a kind of c5tzso, s. a kind of musical instrument. GRETFs, s. a portal, a porch, a gateway. ÇETżCI, pron. pl. you (infer). [mitre-gems. cos;s, s. a bouquet, a nosegay, a cluster of Cofiño, s. a rupee's weight; a weighman. CŞson, s. a raising or lifting up, a throwing up (from the stomach). [tation. cztāzity, s. a stormy dispute, violent agiCofoil, v. a. to raise, to lift up, to cause to erase, eradicate, or take up, to excite vomiting: s. a weight of 80 rattis or 105 grains, a rupee weight. [ingdish. czizilūzita, s. a portable hearth, a chafGoiâţa, s. a throwing up from the stomach: a, vomited, lifted up, raised up. Catzīt vit și, s the agitating of a subject in the mind, the introducing of a subject. cytoto, s. a cotton-bed, a mattress. [tion. coss, s, pleasure, happiness, joy, satisfaccēts, v. a. to please,togratify,togladden. CSIS s, a. gratifying, giving pleasure. Cosso, s. the act of pleasing.orgratifying. cofaşiţă, a fit or proper to be pleased. Z 2 171 I ত্রাস cwt.swfa, s. a cartridge pouch. cosa lotsal, s, a magazine, a storehouse. co, v.a. to weigh; a. weight, weighing. color, a weighing: e. a weighman. coa, e. the act of weighing a thing. cool, v, a to cause any one to weigh. conta, s. the causing to be weighed. *Jo, a relinquished, deserted, abandon ed, left, forsaken, teazed, importuned. - *JoJ, a. deserving to be leftor abandonzJF355, a shameless, impudent. [ed. *Joi, v. a. to relinquish, abandon, leave. Esso, s. a forsaking, abandoning. *Jssi, 8. the relinquishing of a thing,abandonment, desertion; -o, to relinquish, abandon, desert, leave, surrender, evacuate, resign, to abstain from,to avoid. Rostofo, s. a bill of divorcement. rostoft, a relinquishing, abandoning. *Tsūj, a. abandoned, relinquished; relin quishable, worthy of being forsaken. Rostol, -ëa, p. relinquishableness. Gvit, s. shame, ignominy, modesty. [ful. o; ifos, offs, a.ashamed, modest, bashGRI, s. three: e.g. sĩq*U##, three men. ত্রয়ঃপঞ্চাশ, ত্রয়ঃপঞ্চাশতম, a, fifty-third. - Hagotosforo, a fifty-three. Eziz<rst, a. sixty-three; -sar, sixty-third. goofs, a seventy-three; - 5:1, 73rd. ত্রয় চতলারি ২শ, ত্ররশচ তারিখ শৰম, a. forty33-5&sfoots, a forty-three. [third. avTfa^^t, agfä^*rgw, a. the thirty-third. ūzss&A*I*, a thirty-three. gāt, s, the three vedas. Gosswor, a. thirteen. *Catwoof, s, the thirteenth part. scorino, a, the thirteenth (lunar day). zgatazfè, a, ninety-three; - = n, 93rd. zrztfara sifs, a. twenty-three; - = N, 23rd. gritz, a. s. an atom, a small particle. ত্র স্ত, a alarmed, fearing, dreading. gos, a fearful, timorous, afraid [verance. sta. s. salvation,safety, preservation, deliত্রণ s, a saviour, a preserver, a guarats, a. saved, delivered, redeemed. Idian. stol, s, a saviour, a deliverer, redeemer. sin, e. fear, awe, terror, dread, alarm.