পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/১৮৮

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was, a. dental; -os, the class of dental letters, viz. Nd: 5 af F f = FT H z. H=HTETftrigft, s. barleysugar, sweetmeat. দপট, s. pride, self-importance, arrogant behaviour, assuming conduct, severity. *W*Fāfā, s. delay,the putting off an opporwool, s. time, a moment, one time. [tunity. worwool, ad, repeatedly, from time to time. wofoss, s. a supervisor, superintendent. WoRIWT:st, s. the business of a superintenWCYF, ad. again, also, ditto; item. [dent. Woos, s. a book, journal, record. WTFE\5;{-\tfal, s. a counting-house, office, record-room, writing-room. [books. Woźscoitoi, s. a wrapper for account Woost, s. a librarian, record-keeper. Woogi, s. a wave; shove or push. nā, v. a. to tread under foot, to trample. Wzg, v. a. to startle, to withdraw. Wazoo, s. a startling at, withdrawing. wzrol, v. a. to startle, withdraw, conceal. wzzofa, s, the concealing of any thing. Wzwal, s. state, pomp, dignity. [cine. țRZi, v. a. to trample, suppress: s. mediWAIS, s. an inkstand, standish. [foot. KATR, s. a suppressing, treading under RfTS, R&tIfzt, a. remote, farther, afar off. *WN, s. breath, life, breathing space, moment; deceit, trick, fibs; a boiling or setting on slow fire (in cookery); a spring: a, the second (sort). WS, s. punishment, penalty; boast, the spring of the mind, pride, ambition. WSRS, s. a single effort, a spirt. WNF, s. keeping in order, bringing in subjection,subduing passions, oran enemy. wool,s, one who subdues or suppresses. WNitz, a capable of being subdued. WNoi, s. a screw-jack, crane; fire enWoot, s. a squirt, a syringe. [gine. *Woof, a. drawing breath, breathing. worst, s. a drawing of breath, respite. Wol, v. n. to sink, to become lower than before: a much, all, the whole. [lower. Wota, Woffo, s. a sinking or becoming Woffo, s. a pulling in a sudden effort, a pulling at an effort by united force. 176 | দর Woosatoff, s, a sudden gust of wind, a দমখাওন, ৪. a being deceived. [squall. Wot, s. one-eighth part of a paisà. I meat. FURI(str[#ft, s.barleysugar,asortofsweetWoofs, s. a deceiver, deceitful person. Wolgit, s. deceit, trick,imposture. [she). Woosét, s. a pair, pair of animals (he and wog, s. self-importance, pride, arrogance, deceit, cheating, hypocrisy, wickedness. nggrfēF, s. a domineering speech. TSU, a. capable of being subdued. [pathy. W31, S. pity,compassion, mercy, grace, symWaffff, s. ocean of compassion or pity. WYstofo, s. an object of pity or mercy. WHTTR, or WTNH, a full of pity, compassionate, gracious, merciful. [ful. WHITE, a. compassionate,gracious, merciWXTool, s. compassion, pity, mercy. Wąsostôi, a. merciful, compassionate. wfo, a beloved, accepted, favoured. TĀ, v. n. to moulder: s. price, value. Worzosos, s. want, necessity, importance. Wgzgryf, a. necessary, important, urgent. *W*T* * s. a tree, a plant. [cation. FT"|TE, s. a petition, a request, an appli**{3\ss, s, forgiveness, a desisting from. Woss-fo, s. a reply, a rejoinder. *W T51, s. a step, an office, rank, gradaWz şim, s. a tailor, a seamster. [tion. Wor-Wiggs, -ossi,s. the valuing of goods. Wossi, 8 decay, the mouldering away of any **{T, s, pain, anguish, feeling. [thing. দর দমন্দ, a. pained, distressed, feeling. Woots, a feeling, pain, anguish. [ly. W: Wos,a, flowing, trickling, running freeWorst, a. pained, suffering, feeling. *W3(Coiot, s. before, in the presence. *W3TATSTi, S. a door, a gate, a portal. Wolfo, s. a porter, a door-keeper. W:Tafit, s. the office of a door-keeper. *Wozitz, s. a court, a hall of audience. Worzifoil, a frequenting courts of justice. Woost, a. of a court, attending court. *Worczot, s. a Muhammadan devotee. Witsi, s. a kind of coarse mat of reeds. Woosasoil, s. a mat-maker, one who sells W{Niki, 8, salary, monthly wages, [mats.