मीन [ footatoes, s. a lamp in the day time (denoting a person of unknown abilities): a useless, eclipsed by superior merit. footofo, s, the close of the day, evening. foreiss, s, the day time: a. during day. foototso, ad day and night, incessantly. fafo, s. an oath, an appeal to God. fway, a divine, excellent: s an oath. fosso, s. supernatural vision. দিব্যজ্ঞান, s. supernatural knowledge. footwal, s. a comely or beautiful woman. *fasts, s. pride,egotism, self-importance. fastsit, a proud, self-important, arrogant. *fasgo, a late, tardy, delayed. [energy. *fo, s. the heart, the mind, prowess, দিলাস, s. encouragement, comfort,consofossiz, a. distressed, sorrowful. [lation. fosstät, s. distress of mind, sorrow. foota, a holding the heart: s. a lover. fossot, s. attention, close application. fa*ii, s. a point of the compass, a region. fwritz Izsl, a. lost, bewildered, puzzled. fR*toitot, s. a boundary, alimit, a border. fo, a. ordered, allowed: s. destiny. fog, s. a quire of paper; a thin place in cloth caused by a defect in weaving. footosyl, thin (defect in cloth). [bearer. দীউট, s: a lamp, a torch; -os, a torch**, s. a priest,a guru, a spiritual guide. irol, s, the performance of a sacrifice or oblation, a worshipping, the receiving of instruction or initiatory formula. fitfoss, a. engaged in worship, or in making sacrifices or oblations, engaged in giving instruction or initiatory rites. titsst, or #t, s. an oblong pond orlake. wo, stoi, a long, extended. #tto, ad lengthwise. [father's mother. ität, e. elder sister, elder brother's wife, sta, a fallen into decay, poor, needy, miserable, wretched, indigent. [poverty. wool, s, indigence, wretchedness, want, ñawatną, stanasz, a full ofcompassion for the indigent,full of pity to the poor. Włażway, s. the indigence of the indigent. itsatos, s. a protector of the indigent. fitneta, s. indigence, wretchedness, want. 181 | দীর্থ
- a*a*s,a distressed, low-spirited. [able. দীনহীন, a. poor, wretched,indigent, miserИtartav, a poverty, misery, indigence. #totalzo, e. poverty, wretchedness. stats, s. a coin, a dinár, a gold coin. **, *, a light, a lamp, a lighted candle. দীপক, illuminating, irradiating,elucidating, perspicuous, beautifying, kindling, inflaming; cordial: s. a lamp,aumusical mode, rhetorical eleganeeor perspicuity of expression; an aromatic seed." #twizotoxia, s. a figure of rhetoric which throws light upon the subject, an elegance of construction. itri-sto, go,-arty, s.abranched candlestick, a chandelier, a lustre. [shade. *tocar, s, a shade fora candle, a tableWłowia, s. a candlestick, a lamp-stand. ifton, s.ashining,blazing: a, inflaming; ñtotal, e. a row of lamps. [cordial. Włoisoton, s. the flame of a lamp or candle. #twitzina, s. a shade for a candle. âloitata, s. a lamp-stand, a candlestick. দীপান্তর, s another lamp or light. fìt*iff* &1, a. luminous,elear, perspicuous. Wto, or stfoss, a lighted up,illuminated, elucidated, made clear or conspicuous. ftfes, s.lightsplendourillumination,brilliancy, refulgence, effulgence. [light. itfoor, a. irradiating, shining, giving istfossitzt, stes, a. luminous, shining,illustrious, glorious, refulgent, effulgent, fulgid, radiant, brilliant, bright, clear. **Toto, a. shining, conspicuous, clear. itāsta, a under bestowment, being beital, s. alight, a lamp, candle. [stowed. ñātaffo, starrial, s. a match (to light). its, a long, tall, prolonged; -oto, tail. #Toots, e. the letter # or the symbost. ñosta, s. the letter is or the symbol. *I*T*, *, along time;-&tzt, long-lived. Footofit, a continuing a long time. àsso, s. a long verse, an alexandrine. ñoso, a long-thighed, spindle-shank*Isofol, -o, a longevity, long life. [ed. #tofo, a long-lived, living long. *sel, s, length, tallness, protractedness.