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পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/২০১

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দেীর্ঘ [ cwts toto, a.seized or loaded with crimes. দোষাসুতি, a. guilty, criminal, faulty. cassia, s. a criminating, a finding fault. cois stafs, s. merits and defects, good and cois scarfs, s. mutual recrimination. [evil corsifo, a guilty, criminal. CWIsfat, a bringing faults or crimes. - cassiso, a, engaged in faults or crimes. çMısız, a. befitting the fault or crime. cRIst, a. culpable, guilty, faulty, criminal, sinful; incorrect, inaccurate: 8, a criminal;-3, to criminate, to convict. CHIHES:it, s. two wives of the same huscosig, s. a second, a companion. [band. CWIrig1, a the second, another. *CWT3, cosmolos, s, a friend, a companion. cRf3f#ì, cRI #ì, cãi>TRĩ#ì,friendship,kindCWTK, v.a. to milk; to draw away. Iness. cofo, a. milking: 8, one who milks. CW so, s. the longing of a pregnant woman; the foetus, the embryo; a stain. con, s, the milking of animals. [ed. Caiotă, a milch, capable of being milkCossi, s. a couplet, a kind of verse. দোহাঈ, 8. an exclamation or call for jus tice, an oath, an appeal. দেহাতী, দোহাতিয়l, the same as দুহাত, &c, CW so so, s. a second, a prompter. castal, a double, two-fold; -ostol, a reCWT of groitfo, a relapsed. [lapse. ça IzIz[fÇã-»tı, s. a transcript, a copy. cầỹ, v.a. to run; cRìfg#1sĩrs=, to run,to run swiftly; cols#II ossi, to overtake. căș,s, a race, a career, a running, [ning. cň ș«sivi, s. endeavour, exertion in runcon, s, the act of running, scampering. coff, s, a running, a race. [to impel. cool, v, a to make any one run, to drive, cottolf, s, a running about: ad hastily, speedily, in great haste, at a run. congra, s. a causing to run, a running. cwrsj, or crừ SJÆzst, s. the office of a messenger, ambassadorship, an embassy. coatság, s. a porter, a door-keeper. çîzı şU, s. violence, outrage, oppression coal, s, wickedness, violence. [fatigue. coláàJ, s, weakness, infirmity, weariness, 189 | ༣། ཝ་ད། ། costs, s. misfortune, ill luck. *cañas, s. richos, wealth, treanuro. consofa, s. a mansion, a house. দৌলভী, or দৌলৰ মন্দ, n. rich, wealthy. còfag, s. a daughter's son;/em. canforst. Hufs, s. light, splendour, lustre. ofori, o, a day and night. o, e.dice;-oto, play at dice, gambling. CRJ15, s. light, lustre, sunshine. CRJso, s. nonsense, unmeaning word. Cosso, e. a revealing, an enlightening. Mo, a liquid, fluid. e. fusion, meltingo, to fuse, to melt;-o, to be dissolved. Moso, e. fluidity, a liquid state. দুবরস, s. a fluid or liquid substance. MATŽ, a. dissolvable, fusible, soluble. jf34, s, wealth, substance, gold. দুবীকৃত, a. liquefied, made fluid. Mätäo, a, become fluid or liquid. HEI, s. athing, substance, article, materiMoJo), e. price of an article. [al, stuff. JoJo, s, another thing. [of things. MojićIsà, e. the collecting or preparing Mol, s, a grape, a raisin;-sion, a vine." WToso, s, wine, the juice of the grapes. Jisool, s, length, longitude. HIFJ,s.firmness, solidity, strength. [acid. ¿Ioix,o, elixir ofvitriol, diluted sulphuric Mizo, solvents, a solvent, a flax assisting M144, dissolving, melting, fusion. [fusion. WI?l, a. soluble, dissolvable, fusible. ট্রাম, s. Eng. a drachm. 3*, or **, s. a tree. ¥a, e. a scorpiom. 55, a.speedy, hasty, accelerated, quick; ossiąt, a. swift, fleet. [liquid, fluid. oxto, s. the branch of a tree. [sers. cool, s. a measure of capacity, about 32 coofs, s, a raven, a carrion crow. cool, s, a kind of boat, a canoe, a raft. দ্রোহ,4. injury, spite, malice, malevolence, envy, murder. #To so, a treason. দ্রোহক, দ্রোহী, envious, injurious, malevo lent, spiteful, murderous, treasonous. **, *, a pair, a pair of opposites; as, a man and wife, good and evil, pleasure and pain, etc.; strife, dispute, quarrel. aos, a.arising from aquarrel or dispute.