ধীন্দ্রি [ gfors, s. a holder, one who examines the accuracy of the text in reading the shàstras, an umpire: a, having, holding. 4tzrol, -os, 8. the office of an umpire. *itzszord, s. a borrowing; a harpening. *Issa, s. a having, holding, maintaining, assuming a habit or shape, supporting, sustaining, upholding; -o, to sustain. zitzfei, s. continuance in aright way,perseverance, fortitude, firmmess, resolution, restraint, mental retention, memory, a debt, a sustentaculum. [restrained. #13 of TU, a persevering, firm, resolute, otzsafeiff, s, an ability to be firm, resolution, power of restraint. [straight line. of gés, s. any tubular vessel of the body, a *Toss, s. a method, a custom, a habit, a usage, a fashion, a course, a stream, a general practice, a section, conduct. zitzsf FtsI, ad. according to custom or ha*!!!![Ħfg, a, customary, habitual. [bit. *To solossos, ad, customarily, habitually. gtzstaffo, or of statist, a flowing down the stream of custom. [cloud; a sword. #13 for, a. apprehensible. {fgsfoss, a *TAT&T, or Toss F, a, edged, sharp, keen. *Torosoff, s, a heavy shower. *Tit,s an edge, margin: a having, holding; e.g. SIGHT:ft, bearing arms, etc. *TC3, ad. ashore; on credit. [ous, just. *Toto, a pious, religious, virtuous, righte#ff fool, -o, s. righteousness, justice. stsi,a, apprehensible, restrainable, retentiye;-o, to nominate, determine, assign. {{tBJ,s.impudence, shamelessness, [ment. ধি৭, fধ৭ ধা^, ধি৭পণ1, s. a tumult, outrage, a confusion, anarchy, sedition. fo, intj, sye or curse on it! woe be to it! foots, s. contempt, reproach, censure. foz53s, a.cursed, contemned, reviled, cenfoso, a, a burning slowly. [sured. fosofs, a quivering or burning slowly. fossi,a slow, abated, deliberate, cautious. foots, ad. faintly, softly, deliberately. foal, s. a name of Vrihaspati. [a, wise. à,8. understanding, knowledge, an idea: 4tsää, s, an organ of perception. 194 | ধূম stzȚ, s. a fisherman. [ous; Vrihaspati. #tist,a.wise, learned, intelligent,sagaci#tos, a wise, learned, sedate, sagacious, grave, deliberate, tranquil,serene, temperate, docile, slow, lazy, steady, firm. £rgo, -o, s. deliberateness, temperate ness, sedateness, gravity, steadiness. #tzsi, a jealous of a lover, yet suppressingresentment;-oft Tl, ajealous woman. figs, or otta stor, ad. deliberately, slowly, coolly, sedately. [report. ***, or ototo, s, a report, a common §tifsa, s.abarrister, counsellor, pleader. §, or §35, v. a. to wash any thing. #73, s. a climbing plant and its fruit." ধুকড়ী, a. coarse: s. a coarse bag, or cloth. §§§, s. a feeble palpitation, a panting. ośl, or {{, v. n. to pant, to palpitate. §§§oso, s. act of panting, a palpitating. golf, s. an anxiety about any affair. £ot, s. anxiety, remorse; a neck ornaFfF,s.apanting; a blow-pipe. [ment. 35it, s. a kind of basket for washing rice. go, a, agitated, relinquished. [crimes. ধুতকল্মষ, or ধূতপাপ, ৫. freed from sin or §t, s, the lower garment worn by the natives instead of breeches; a bribe. gggi, s. the thorn-apple (Datura metal). $3,8.the blazing up offire: a wide open. §t, v. G. to clean cotton with a bow. ধুনখর1,ধুনচি,s. a bow for cleaning cotton. ***, *, the cleaning of cotton; a beating. gaf,,s.thecleaning ofcotton with a bow. gait, s, the price for cleaning cotton. ধুনারু, or #f71, s. a cotton-cleaner. #3, s.ardour, zeal, fervour, diligence: a. great, prodigious, ardent. Luproar. ধুন্ধমারী, s. rebellion, sedition, tumult, an £of, s, incense, resin; a sabre; the sun. ধুপী, Or ধুরী, s. a washerman. [will. ধুপপনেচ্ছা,s, a strong desire, a determined ol, s, zeal, ardour, fervour, ado, tumulf, pomp: a, thick, gross, large, spacious. §§t, s. a concubine, a fat vagabond woman, a female Vaishnava. Tcherous. {sr$t=TTI,a.vagabond, vagrant, lewd, lessists, s, hubbub, tumult, pomp, parade.
পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/২০৬