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পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/২০৭

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এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

o o, a bulky, heavy, thick, gross. o,s, themonotonous beating of a drum to call persons to a festivity or show. oil, s, the burden or chorus of a song. $338, the axletree, a carriage pole; reflection, thought;a load, burden. [burden. §§§, a bearing a burden: e. a beast of ধুরন্ধর ধুরীণ, a. chief of those who sustain the burden of office, viz. a king. Azi, s. a measure of landequal to a káțhá. ई, Or § {, im.8d. expressive of a blazing up. ধুআ, 8. Smoke, steam, vapour;-Wl, to fumiotos,s.chimney,smoke-tunnel. [gate. §otion, a smoky, like smoke. [place. £3(CRSR, s, the fumigating of a thing or ধু আপথ, ধু আফুকার, s. a chimney. ধুনfচ, or gott, s, a censer, an incense-pot. gal, so, sincense, resin of Shála tree. *f, *.incense, resin; the sun, solar rays; -Étoil, solar-shaded (a sort of cloth). ধুপীত, perfumed with incense, fumigated. ধূম, s. smoke, steam, fume,vapour-;-Ufa, -**, a volume of smoke;-&ffa,cloud. gasco, s. a comet, meteor, a falling star, gosso, s, the smoking of tobacco. [fire. ধুমময়, a. covered with, or full of, smoke. o, a purple, smoke-coloured: a purple. £6, a cunning, subtle, crafty, sly, knavish, roguish: s. a gamester, a rogue, a knave, a cheat; the thorn-apple. szi, s. craftiness, knavery, slyness. of, s, the flower of the thorn-apple. ধূৰ্বপুষপাকার, Or ধূৰ্বপুস্পাকৃতি, a. funnelshaped, infundibuliform, arytaenoid. £o s. a particular tune in music. ধূলা, go, s. dust, pollen;-Toto, a smearing withdust;—Ton, smeared withdust. #so,a.cinereous, dustorash coloured. #soft, a dusty, covered with dust. gfosso, a dusty . . a handful of dust. googoo, s. a veil to keep of the dust. £oso, gray; e. gray colour, an ass, oilman, gril, s. flannel. got, a gray, [a vulture. ধূস্তর, s, the thorn-apple (Datu metal). ধুম্ভরপুষ্প ধুস্তুর পূষপাকার,seeধুৰ পুত্বপ,&c g, “...a. to hold, to seize, to apprehend a criminal, to have, to continue, remain. 2 on 2 ধোসা o, a, caught, seized, held, taken. ধৃতরাষ্ট্র,s.a king colebrated in the Mahibhārata; a kind of wild goose, a swan. gfossacrifice, a religious rite or ceremony, restraint, retention, tenacity, firmness, constancy, a holding, a having, pleasure, satisfaction, happiness, an astronomical yoga, a particular kind of Verse or metre. $onto, a firm, steady, constant, restrained, satisfied, happy. [insolent. খৃষ্ট, or so, a. impudent,shameless,bold, c{g*, *, a vegetable commonly called the cofo, s. a sort of earring. [ram's horn. co, v. n. to purge or have a looseness. &foot, or offgal, s. an otter. [cow. cos s. kine, a cow, recently calved milchco, a, fit or proper to be held in. Così, v. a. to think upon, to meditate. Cosăso, s. meditating, reflection, attention. È riffs. deliberation, temperance, forbearance, steadiness, patience, coolness. È riffsga,s. the exercising offorbearance. to so, s. a maintaining patience. toffata, toss-trot, a. patient, forbearing, temperate, deliberate, cool, steady. ধৈর্য্যাম্বিত, a. idem. o £ostasiaa, s. restraint, abstinence. tofftzot, a. patient, restrained, absticost, v. a, to wash, to clean. [nent. coro, s. a panting; a blowing the fire. cosol, v. a, to cause to pant: s a panting. «ăigifo, s. a panting with hard running. c{r}1, s. a species of water-snake. coratio, s. alluvial soil, washings. Cosso, s. the washing of a thing. coso, or cool, s, a coarse bag, a sack; the testicles: a coarse. [a doubt. costol, s, anillusion, deception, suspicion, colos, s. washing of clothes: a, washed. ossososo, cos(*15, a. washed, clean. ধোপা,ধোবা, s. a washerman;rm. ধোবানী, coissoil, v. to seek after a person's health, to inquire, to ask how a person does. cool, s, a cleansing, washing: a washed, ««Taif, s, washings, dregs. [clean. 171, ಕಿ ೩ kind of silk and cotton cloth.