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পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/২৫

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অপ্র [ soils, a not thick, plump, or large. stoos, a, not full; -os, abortive. - অপূর্ব্ব, a. unprecedented, unexperienced, unparalleled, eminent, excellent, un common, remarkable: s fate, destiny. SCoso, a, expecting, expectant. oscoso, a, expecting: s. an expectant. scoso, s. act of expecting. অপেক্ষণীয়, a. cida অপেক্ষ্য, Erather. & Cool, s, expectation, hope: ad. than, stoffo, a, expected, waited for. SU-fsét, a. expecting, waiting for. [for. *Cosos, a fit to be expected or waited SC-TF, a. unburnt, incombustible. Rossos, a. secret, private, sinister. ozłoscos, ad. privately, secretly. si&#5, a. spurious, improper. s725, a. insuficient; el insuficiency. weaton, s. an irreglarity, an anomaly. sozińætsíí,a.irremediable, irretrievable. sīšfŵe, a. nonplussed, confounded. & 2 foss, a. unparalleled, peerless. ozotse, s. incredulity, unbelief. ozo, s. need, want, exigency, a strait. SI 25JGF, a. not evident, absent. SI 2 EJH, s.incredulity, unbelief, mistrust. sɛf EJ;st, a. unbelieving, incredulous. ozos,a. not known, not public, irregular. Sosztoft,8. a want of publicity, irregularity. oforo, a, unpublished, not noted. $236,a. notengaged, notexcited.[ness. *T24fa, s. non-excitation, non-engagedSIzitz", s. anotentering: a.inaccessible. wagoritz, ozica-II, a. impenetrable. *I2RTIs, 3. destitute of proof or evidence. WotW, 8. caution, safety, heed. ofotos.st, a. precipitate, venturesome. SøCo,a.incapable of proof, improbable. Rossosto, a. easy, slight: 8, ease. <T£TCA, ad. easily, without labour. N2O315, 8. an inferior object. SI2C:sfēzs, a. ineffectual. [cessary. *2C3T3A, S. wantof necessity: a, unneSossos, s. coherent speech. N&oso, a narrow, scanty, strait. SI2*5*, a. not ready, unprepared, con founded, nonplussed, unable to reply. 13 J settàto, a not ancient, not old, modern, onatosí, e. insufficiency. [new. srestést, a. inanimate. SIST«;, a. unobtained. *I2;Tosses, a unfortunate, unsuccesss 2 toggle", a. inopportune. [ful. *Tottfog, s. scarcity: a, not gainful, scarce. west-stfäzo, a. improbable, unauthentic. STSfrsrfeU,s.improbability, inauthenticity. ofo, a unamiable, not beloved. otests, e. want of love, dislike, disgust. of £1, s. a. species of demi-gods, the fabled courtezans of the Hindu heaven. wfoot, s. opium; properly asfotosa. of Fit, a. addicted to eating opium. o sigro, s. non-decay, non-expenditure: a. notexpended; uncontracted; endless. Roszi, prep. it usually gives the verb or other word to which it is prefixed, an ablative sense, orsinksits value; sometimes it gives to verbs of motion the sense of motion downwards: ad now. *Totos, S. leisure, opportunity. of-soo, ad, at leisure, leisurely. o, a, not fit or proper to be spok en, unspeakable, umutterable. Woo, s. an unfair purchase. STEC-Fos, s. an irony, a sarcasm, a jeer. Kosztofs, s. an infant, a babe. Ross, a known, acquainted with. was so, s, knowledge, acquaintedness. Nosso,8.immersion, bathing, ablution. offs,a.immersed, baptized, plunged, sos, s. coarse powder. [dipped. ofo, a limited, bounded. *Icow, . a limit, a boundary. Rosol, s. contempt, despite, disregard. sa GTS, a. despised, contemned. Rozsgasso, a. despicable, contemptible. sxzCza, a. idem. [cavity. où; e. a cavern, a pit, hole, a sinus, a *Izoto, or 5 of so, s. an awning. ozotz, s. a descent, incarnation. [tion STATEİSTs, s. the descending from a situa*Notofol, s. a quotation; a boat. ozsöts, a. descended, incarnate. SIzotz, a. decrepit, embecile. তব