| | অম্ল L off, s, not the earth: a, not earthly. starsfilzi, s. affront, disrespect, dishonor, disgrace, want of civility or politeness. of, s. displeasure, impatience, anger. অমষণ, a. displeased, angry, impatient. **Issoi,8.jurisdiction, government, office; -দার, an officer, a corporal. [ment. *s*={offē, s. hemming, hem of a gar*sūstāīfossal, s. officers, attendants. of 51, s. a courtier, an adviser, a senator, **Intos, s. a deposit. [a statesman. ofaz, a. not human; uninhabited. *Isstät, a not proud, meek, not self-imRost-1, a not respectable. [portant. otzos, e. the day before the new moon. ostol, s, the day of the new moon. sfērs, a. unmeasured. [life. &forgi, s. nectar, ambrosia, the water of so, s. such a one, a certain person. *Info, s, wantof liberty: a, unliberated. Solos, a. destitute of a root or origin. so, unfounded, of suspected origin. ou, a. invaluable; of no value so,a not dead: a nectar, ambrosia, water of life, water, poison, immortality. *Tool, s, the name of three drugs.” <NUNã775, a discordant, disuniting. onton, 8. the want of union, disunion. *Colos, s, the not relinquishing of a stata, a. infallible, effectual. [thing. wor, s.apparel, clothing, ambergris, the sky, a cloud, cotton. sorsosto, s, tobacco richly dressed. অম্বা, অম্বালিকা, s. a mother. [phant. *sztfg, si Irff, s. the haudá of an eleofazol, s. a name of Durgā; a mother. অস্থ or অম্ভস্থ ৫ water. - অম্বুবাচী, 8. a name given to three days in the month of Ashárha, on which the earth is supposed to be menstruous. RossIEI, a. aqueous, watery. **[x1, 8, a mother, an aunt. $$. s. a mango; properly • 1$. si H5, s. nectar, ambrosia, water of life. SIA, a. acid, sour, tart; -çEF, sorrel. sIgvi, -&a, 8. acidity, sourness. wgfoss, s. an acidity on the stomach. D 17 | অর ofo, a. acidulated, mixed with acids. ofol, s, tamarind and its tree.” o, e. good luck or fortune. oftof, a. improper, unrighteous, not soft-forgos, e. a false rib. [real. storatofaga, e. extravagant expenditure. sIsTortofaIãi, a. profuse, prodigal, squan dering, extravagant. (NTF, s. a going, motion, aroad, course of the sun north or south of the equator. **{{[x1, s, grant of land, freehold; -wra, a *T*s-, s. dishonor, infamy. [freeholder. অয়স, or coils, e iron. ofo, s. a loadstone, magnet. Rosso, a free from agony or torment. <5[xTTv;;1, &. freedom from torment. ofol, s, ominous or badjourney. [real. sixtofisofo, a ungodly, unrighteous, not sixtoftoff, s, unrighteousness, wantofreaঅযুক্তি, s, not a logical argument [lity. অযুক্তিসিদ্ধ, a. not proved by reason. sIsIo, a. ten thousand. s|CXI6IJ, a. unfit, incapable, unworthy, incompetent, unable, unsuitable. SICTS, s. pestle, a club shod with iron. 5(C3II*s-, s. a smith's anvil. *Cosso, scosit, a destitute, poor, needy. SICSITAJ1, s, the name of a city, Oude. *{coiff, a.. not born in the common way *{{T, a quick, speedy. [of generation. *sista, s. juice, moisture, perspiration. *No, s. moss, several aquatic plants. SFETF, STATHIF, s. amachine for draw ing water, a large pit or well. szel, s. a buffalo. * az F1, a. cheap. STKf3, s. two pieces of dry wood used to procure fire by friction. [gadfly. sosols, s. forest, a wilderness; -issol, a ofess, a. produced in a forest. so-Jo, a. situated in a forest. so, a, improper for cooking: a feast observed on the last day of Bhādra. sigz, a. silent, mute: s. an arabian. *soft, a. arabian, arabic. ciosum. orso, s, water-lily (Nelumbium speotsto, s. disappointment, dishonor, dissIg A, or sigl?, s. a door. stress.
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