পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/৩১৫

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Țţă itson, e.gall-nut, a medicinal dry fruit. মাজুরী, sto, s. a kind of sleeping-mat. ಗಸ್ಟ್ರ, San intoxicating electuary. *Tsai, s, the midst, the middle, the centre, *Isaorso, s, the centre or middle part. *Tarasol, e. the second brother. *II*T*Issa, ad, in the midst, centrally, mid*To so, s. the middle, the centre. [way. মাঝারী, a. middling, central. Rico, ad. in the midst, within, in. of so, s. a dentifrice, tooth-powder. stol, s, glue and bottle powder applied as a starch to the silk of a paper-kite. stä, a slow, sluggish, bad, inert. *TÈ, earth, soil; -gtūI, an earth-digger. মাটীয়া, a. earth-coloured, brown, earthen. stostyń, s. naphtha, earth-oil. sit, s. a field, plain, meadow, common, pasture: v. a. to smooth a plank. [ed. *Tsoi, s. buttermilk, sourmilk: a. smooth*Toso, e. a smoothing: a smoothed. *Totassil, s. land belonging to a plain. Nog, belonging to or situate in a plain. *TCE, ad. in the field; -sil, to ease nature. Nicol, stiff, slow, inert, scarcely movable. NT, v. a. to thrash corn, tread out corn; to rub or grind (medicine). [paste. *Trg, s. a raft, a float; rice-gruel, starch, stya, s. the thrashing of corn, a rubbing. stofo, s. a thrashing, rubbing, grinding. *Tofoil, s, a thrasher of corn, a grinder, Irgi, v. a. to stamp or tread down, to thrash, to cause to be thrashed. *Toto, a trampled, stamped, thrashed: 8, a stamping, a trampling, a thrashing. *TĘlfR, s. trampling, treading, stamping. মাড় অ1, or মারু অ1, s. a kind of grain.” *Tsū, stify, s. a double tooth, grinder, the *Ifoot, s. a maxillary gland. [gums. Niazzo, s. a youth, a hobbledehoy. Nifo, or sItsos, s. a ruby, a carbuncle. *Ifforty, s, the name of a large bird.” *T*, v. n. to be drunk, to be intoxicated: 8, whey, the whey of curds. *Tott, s. drunkenness, intoxication. *Ifs Fissi, s. envy, avarice, malice. [mate. Στε, whey; tliin sort of treacle; a check L 803 || মাথ!

  • T*.*, *, an elephant, a man of a degraded caste, a mountaineer. [or Durgá. *Two, s. mountain-born goddess Pârvati onton, Tofo, s. a being intoxicated. [ard. *To soil, a sottish, drunken: e. a drunk*Tool, s. an arch, the capital of a pillar or arch, a cornice; a bedding, a mattress. *T*1, 8, a mother, a goddess, the smallpox. Rioso, e. a making drunk, exciting. STETTE, s, a maternal grandfather. nizino, s. a maternal grandmother. Tofo, a drunk, drunken; great, important: s. a toper, a tippler, a drunkard. *II SIGU1, s. a drunkard, a toper, a sot. *Isè, s. measure, weight; the head or in

ternal tender part of a palm tree. Tool, s, a maternal uncle. *Toot, s. a maternal uncle's wife. Nso, s. a mother; -os, motherly, like a mother; -oto, motherless. *Tool, s. a foster-mother; a class of sixteen goddesses, an alphabet, a body of preliminary rules. *Toto, a. matricide: s. a matricide. s(Iyaz, Tgatsä, 8, a maternal relation. Tosol, s. an uncle, a mother's brother. Tool, s. an aunt, a mother's sister. মাতৃ স্বস্ত্রীয়, 8. the child of a maternal aunt. *Tool, s, the murder of a mother. *Ta, s. an unit, a single individual, a mere circumstance: a, only: ad. merely. NT$1, s. a quantity, an instant, half a short syllable; the head-stroke of a letter. *II*, v, a to mount upon, to put forth or protrude the head in birth. onto, e, a collection, a subscription. *Toll, v, a to climb upon anything: s, the head, a pinnacle, top or upper part; -o-, to be giddy; -stol, headstrong. *T*Tool, s, a vertigo, giddiness. [born. statibial, a obstinate, headstrong, stub*I*T*, *. interfering with another's busi ness, a going foremost in an affair. Italieiţsfel, a crack-brained, obstinate, *Isottajos, e. the head-ache. [stubborn. startston, a top-heavy: e. a blockhead. *Totrosso, e, head to head, up to the head.