পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/৩২৫

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coso, N5*, *, a jew's-harp. মোই মোচাফল, কদলী, রম্ভ1, কলা, s. a plantain. offs's, a, caused to be set free or released. coso. v. a. to wipe, to cleanse, to shave. CNIol, v. a. to cause to wipe [hosier. *costs;1, e. a stocking, a boot; -ostol, a মোট, s. gross, total; a burden, load, buncartõzst, s. a small bundle. [dle, package. consol, a thick, coarse, fat, corpulent, bulky; -বুদ্ধি, dull, thick-headed, stupid. costgrassif, ad in the gross, cursorily. costs statü1,a, thick, coarse, fat, corpulent. costs;al, s. a porter, bearer of load, coolie. Cossy, s. a twist, crook, bend, a turning, a strain, an udder, ornament for a pillar. CSIT's, s. a dose, a paper-packet, a squib. csson, s. a turning, the bending of a thing. CITV-TV, s. a turning and bending. cssos, e. the chief man of a village. CSITF1, v. a. to turn a boat or plough, to make crooked, to turn, bend, warp, to twist, to overlay, to plate, to cover with paper, leather or cloth: 3. a rubbing or twisting round, a screw, a crook, a footstool, a roll, a packet wrapped in paper. casioso, s. the causing a boat, etc. to turn, acovering, overlaying, bending: a, bent, turned, covered, overlaid. city if, g. a turning, a bending, a twist. castwo, a, exhilarating, gladdening: s. a confectioner; a sweetmeat, electuary. csson, s. an enlivening, delighting, giving csstol, shut, close: e. a closing. [pleasure. catal, e. the pestle-like part of the pedal. conia, s. 40 sers or 82 lbs. Costăt, tonnage. costs, s, wax, bees' wax;-xià, wax-candle. cost-Igital, costs B15, s. waxcloth, cerecloth. [in a fort. csst & Stos, s. lines of entrenchment, lines csstol, s, preserved fruit, confectionary. cafés, s. price, value; a blossom. [ler. costazo, s, a robber, a freebooter, a swind costs a, s. swindling, withholding the due. cott, v. n. to lose sensation or reflection, to be fascinated, stupified, or fainted. Cosso, s, loss of sensation or reflection, stupefaction, infatuation, fascination, delusion, sainting, ignorance, folly, stupidity. 2 s [ 313 1 電力té Cosso, a fascinating, stupifying, delusive. catt szag, a. causing stupefaction or loss of sensation: s. a sorcerer. [nating. çTIzzo, s. a becoming fascinated, a fasciCotozotos, s. a kind of meat-offering. cartzait, s. incantation; churning. [cant. caffro, s.adevotee, ascetic, hermit, mendiØssor, s, a coin, a gold coin, a seal, stamp. Østoso, s. an engraver of seals. *cortett FF, s. a record-keeper. [dered. cottfog, a. infatuated, fascinated, bewilcsTIfTät, fascinating: s. a fascinating woc: Tët, a. fascinating, infatuating. [man. মেী, s. honey, nectar offlowers; -5fs, a honeycomb, hive; -wiso, the honey bee. *cমীকুফ, a deferred, postponed, left off. colo, s. (corruption sco) a client. মৌক্তিক, Flol, e. a pearl. [ness. colorff, s, insolence, scurrility, abusivecomfoto, a. immediate, speaking to the face; verbal, oral; pretended, outward. *মৌজা, 8. a village, a district; a wave. *८शेषून, present, existing, standing near, *cots, s. death, decease, demise. [found. costa, a usual, of daily use: s a custom, cofo, a uric, relating to urine. [usage. মেীন, a. silent, tacit: s. silence, sadness, gloominess; -o, a vow of silence. মৌনসমতি, s. a silent consent. মৌনী, a. silent, reserved, taciturn. csstco, ad in silence, taciturnly. [thers. coro, s. a fan made of peacock's feacoal, s, the name of a fine fish. caifā, the same with nē#ft. *csùzysi, or csù**it, a. hereditary. coitoit";1, s. a hereditary lease of land. csðAfr, s. a bowstring, the cord ofan arc. মৌল, v. n. to blossom, to bud; to winnow. co, radical, of pure extraction: e. pure extraction; a sort of mat; a blossom. *coast, e. a learned or erudite man. ico, a, God; a kind of coarse mat. cost, e. the head; a diadem, a topknot. *cinq", s. a season, a time. *tsiifão, s. a bailift, a dun. মৌহুর্ত্তিক, s. an astrologer. [a tom-cat. *Uss, s, the mewing of a cat, the voice of