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পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/৩৭

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আষি sitwa, a the tightening of a bandage. oisofa, a tightness, severe language. oissor, a firm, stout, strong. [severe. sitol, oilbro, a tight, scanty, too small; otöroits, a too tight, scanty, severe. আঁটালি, or অ্যাটাঙ্গ, s. a dog-tick. আটি, s. tightness, scantiness, severity, restraint; a sheaf, abundle; also, stfä. আঁট, Or আঁঠু, a. the knee. oissostya, s. a kneeling down. sittà1, a left after eating: s. orts. offs, e. the decay attending a weaned <iifyai, e. idem; also, a bull. [child. siis, s. the bowels, entrails, intestines. STSät, s. intestines, entrails, gut, tripe. oirs stors, sits stori, s. a starving, abstinence, the drawing in of the belly. sitecosyl, s. seed-vessel of screw-tree." oison, s. a kind of sweetmeat. [man. আঁতুড়,-ঘর, s: the room of a lying-in wooissol, v. n. to fear, to dread. [terror. oissota, oitoif, s, fear, dread, horror, êiifà, a. blind-folded: s. vide <iifr. sắtgzil, srst, zgisil, a. blind, sightless. oisotos, s. darkness, gloom: a dark. ofotfä, s. darkness; the straw laid on the roof to finish the thatching; the nails used to join boards. off, s, the thin layer of straw laid on a roof previously to thatching; a storm. stfääffo, s. a crevice, a nook or corner. sitol, a concealed, covered over with weeds (as a pond, a pit, or a well). Sitz, or *To 8, a mango. Sitz STT, s. a plant (Curcuma amada). siso, s. a brother's wife's mother, a sister's husband's mother. [tree. oilo, a, belonging to a mango or its oilot, v. n. to become somewhat dry. আশ, c, d, to pick hemp, cotton, oakum, &c.; s. fibres (of a stringy fruit), bark (of a tree), pubes or map (of cloth), the roughness of unplaned wood. - sitoria, e, the slightly drying of a thing. sitesia, s. a picking of cotton, hemp, &c. আশাল, আঁশুরা, a. stringy, fibrous. oilfs, s, the scales of a fish. E [ 25 | অকি ototo, a fishy; -os, a fishy scent. sto, or **, *, a sugarcane. ofo, a, severe, hard-hearted. Rossow, osso, e. the swallow wort.” **Toro, a, end, conclusion: ad finally. আকবতিহামার, s. a cable. [Akbar. **Too, a great, noble: a, the emperor ossos, s. a mine, a spring, a source, a quarry, grit, grittiness, a root, origin. Sofol, a undone, not done. ofocosts, s. a walnut, a walnut tree.* st**, s. a tendril, cirrhus. আকর্ষক, a. drawing, attracting: s. any thing which attracts or draws. stoo, e. the drawing, attracting, or seizing of a thing, attraction. stost, s. a tendril; a spasm; science, ofofgot, a. attractive. [what attracts. *Tofo, a drawn, attracted spected. stofalo, a coming unexpectedly, unex*Tool, s, a hearth, a furnace, a kiln. *I*T*1, a lusty, jolly, plump; imperfectly cleansed (as rice from its husk). stiáßTa, a. imperfectly cleansed from আকাঙক্ষণীয়, a. desirable. [the husk. ososol, s. desire, expectation, a wish. stoisso, a desired, expected. আকাঙিক্ষতব্য, or আকাঙক্ষ্য, a. desirable. *Totot, a desirous, waiting, expecting. SIRoss, s. a want of rain, drought; want *Totò, a uncut, unclipt. [of charity. stærS, s a form, anappearance, a shape, a figure, a statue, a likeness, the letter ol, also the vowel mark (t). otosí, s. a famine, dearth, searcity. ofotfozo, a premature, unseasonable. STET", s. the sky, atmosphere, air, space, *T*I*T*I*, *, the milkyway. [æther. of-issist, a moving in the air, aerial. আকাশচর, আকাশচারী, a den. [eon. stoto, s. an elevated lantern, a beastoriosal, s, a voice from heaven. Rostosofton, e. pneumatics. sII*ĩ*IR &I#ì, a. air-traversing. *T*E*R*, *, the atmosphere. stosom, a. aerial, airy, celestial. si<i*t*a, a. cæruleam, azure.