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পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/৪২

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আত্ম অীড়ে অগোচরে, or আড়েআবিডালে,ad.con cealedly, secretly, clandestinely. আড়েআড়ে, ad. pide আড়ে. [a perch. *Togs,s. station, a post, a stage, a stand; stifs, osso, s. a measure of capacity esteemed to be equal to two maunds. stoy, osteşi, a rich, opulent, wealthy. stolai, s. a ball of earth or wood. oissl, oss, so, s. an egg. [laying eggs. *Issoi, ossifi, a having eggs or roes, STTSF, s. fear, panic, dread, awe; disease. SITEST, s. fear, a panic, dread, awe. Rossosz, s. a chymical test, a solvent; a pestilence, a calamity; gratification. *T**s,8. Sunshine, heat, sun-dried; -573, rice being unhusked without boiling. SITE visā, s. an umbrella, a parasol. SIISZT, s. fare for crossing a river. **{Isos, s. essence (of roses, &c.). **Ifoot, s. fire; -ossit, fireworks. **Toit, a fiery; -5751, a burning glass. SIREJI, a. flaxen. [na reticulata). Sitzl, KITŲ*J, s. a custard apple (Anno&Isso, a. officious: s. a free songster. Rossosocos, ad. in these circumstances. STSTāt, deceitful, crafty: s. a kite;-°sz1, -foot, craftiness, swindling, knavery. SITEsso, s. a long shelf, a scaffold. STIstgotzi, a. hospitable. *NIsèqJ, a hospitable: s. hospitality. WIsèColoio, a. imputing what belongs to one person to another, transferring. Sisorizij, s, excess, excessiveness. Solo, a vocative used in calling a dog. SI . a, sick, aflicted, distressed. WI3, a received, accepted. [a striving. Rotsa, s. labor, effort, endeavor, exertion, Stos, a. self, one's self; -o, domestic broil; -FS,self-made; -CHI-I, ownfault. *Toto, s. a person's private affairs. *Toffol, s. vaunt, self-conceit. [ens.) SIRT3:31, s. cowhage (Carpopogon pruri*Togliot, a selfish, self-aggrandizing. STIKIIS, a. self-murder, suicide. SITTFIIo, S. one who commits suicide. *Togsät, a committing suicide. of&W, s, one's own defect or fault. [ 30 J আদি SISIS, a. springing from self: s. a son. Rostol, s. daughter. [knowledge. sIFT3s, s, the knowledge of spirit, selfRostos.svg, S. true nature of spirit. [ship. stol, s. spirituality, identity, friendSTIGIGHz El, s. a guardian or family god. stoo, a self, one's self, own. Rosofoil, s. self-reproach. [verbs. ossoscavo, s. in gram. the middle voice of SITT-fzft=F1, s. self-examination. Rossos?iofoil, s. self-applause, egotism. RNIST4284, a. self-deceiving. SIfoğ[z?8-1, s. self-deception. [self. ETTYs, olotos, equal to, or like one's *Toso, s, a near relation. [trol. Rossosos, a under one’s own powerorconRossosz of 81, -o, s. self-control. আত্মবশতাপন্ন, আত্মবশীভূত, ০ide আত্মবশ. Rossosostos, s. a first cousin. *(IoIRGF, s, the selling of one's self. *II of Gät, a selling one's self. আত্মবিস্মৃত, a. forgetful of one’s own words আত্মবিস্মৃতি, s. self-oblivion. Lor actions. SITICossos, s. self-knowledge, a knowledge §ITTofi, a selfishly voracious, [of spirit. S5NI*I#izIl, self-applause, vanity, egotism. & Tottom, a self-applauding, conceited, *Tori, a like one's self. [vain. Rossosrits, a. own, proper, one's own. Rostols &J, s. self-murder, suicide. SITIE il, s, one who commits suicide. Rotos;1, a self-destroying: s. a suicide. &\to[1, s. spirit, self, Brahma, the soul. SITGI stR, SIGITHIG, a. independent. [ed. RNfYITfè*TE,a.self-approved,self-applaudSIGITf= Trst, a. self-applauding, vain. অতুিীিয়, a. belonging to one's own self: 8. a relation, an intimate friend; -os, one's own family; -os, like a relation. SITĀTEI EI, s. relationship, friendship, intisitt Hiszpas, s. self-excellence. [macy. Rossesso, a, entire, complete, excessive. SITUA;st, menstruous: s. name of a river. ŠNICGīātā, a. defiling a menstruous wostro, s. a rich sort of silk cloth. [man. Rosso, a half: s. a moiety. si{zşviTfzig1, s. lıalf a head-ache.