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পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/৭১

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ঔড় gar, s, a boundary, end, limit: pron, his. *egro, e. the leaf of a book, a sheet of *83-1, s. a stitch, a sewing. spaper. *33* 1, a.bold, daring, dauntless, vicious; *stara, s. a diagonal. [foreign. 857, 8. the root of Arum campanulatum. sostos, s. a rouncival pea. 855, s. a dismounting, alighting, descending from, a lowering; a plumb line. 851, v. to lower, cause to descend: e. descent; a sugar-ball; a purging by stool. ®fû1, s. the spasmodio cholera morbus. sosta, s. a causing to descend, the landing of goods, the launching of a vessel. SCFil, inf. voc. par used by women when addressing those of their own sex. 88, s. dew, frost, cold, snow. [plants. saff, or èsff, s. annual or herbaceous soft-s, ş, the moon. [at work. est, v. to serve the pedal with rice when gota, s. a serving of the pedal with rice. ওষক, ওকাণ, pide উষক, &c. go, s, the lip, properly the upper lip. goists, a. situated on the lips (as life). eotsfoots, e. the life on the lips (dying). goigs, e. the upper and lower lips. 8%), a labial; -zos, the class of labial letters, viz. Ē ē » F z = I = s?. switz, a. wide: e. width, breadth. gators, s. a dilating, a making wide. ento, a, broad, wide, of good width. *ওস্তখদুস, s. a medicinal drug (Stoechas). 831, 8, a hoarding up, amassing. * 8317, s. a teacher, a preceptor, a tutor. 8 giń, e. tutorship, teachership; trickery. 8% sco, ad, there, thither, in that place. 8tz, a voc. par used in prayer, O, oh; also, in addressing one's equals. *8T&1, řw#j. O ho! talke care! mind! 53, the 14th vowel; pronounced as ou in out; in comp. thus (ch) called au-kar. ègizs, s. the letter è, or the mark (ch). §sses, e. fitness, suitableness, propriety. 35, s. height, elevation, altitude. ****, made of fig-tree wood; coppery: s. Yama; copper; a kind of leprosy. [ 59 | 零4

        • , *.importunity, excessiveness, fury, madness, ebriety, rashness. [tion. è sosi, sexcellency, superiority, perfecoe, a, gross, palpable. [digious.?*•itfê*, a. portentous, outrageous, pro***isofo, a relating to a gift, natural. ঔৎসুক্য, 8. zeal, ardour, exertion, anxiety. onfo, a gluttonous, voracious, greedy. èafiz, s. diluted buttermilk. [lity. Batsj, s. munificence, candour, liberaRatzīJ, s. sadness, solitude, misanthropy. BH EI, s. violence, tyranny, a tumult. **Ifog, s. marriage gift to a woman. **istfäa, s. what is imputed to another. 3 viaiso, a relating to the sacred thread. è vizifsfag, a. symptomatic, portentous. ***U, e. a comparison, a resemblance. Bottfgas, a. belonging to a modification of matter, or to predominating property. **Ifog, a expedient, right, fit, proper. * Gazi, a. first, best, chief, superior. *ēgs, s. a woman, a wife. [ful descent. 3:5, a.1awfully begotten, natural: s.law. 3 grists, a legitimate, lawfully born. §gosia, s. a legitimate child. *garetza, ad. in case of there not being lawful or legitimate offspring. [son. §§casso, funeral, due to a deceased per##, s. submarine fire. [excessiveness. ঔলুণ্য, a. excessive: s. superabundance, ***, Georgi, s. medicine, drug, a remedy. Bsztaszí, s. medicine-maker, apothecary. 3 softcorel, s, a druggist, an apothecary. è sztriz R, s. the using of medicines. è gesty, a. medicinal, medical. è startoftwar, g. medical advice. sta, s. heat, ardour, fervency. ঔষ্ণানুষ, s: temperament, climate. 358, s. a herd of camels.

o, THE first consonant of the Bengali alphabet. It has the sound of k. **, otosis, ad, where? in what place? **, *, the name of a kind of fish. কউত্তর, কবুতর, পায়রা, s. a pigeon. zgggg, pron, some, a few, several. **qw, s. inuprisonment, confinement.