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পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/৭২

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কচ geworfRi, s. a prison, a gaol. [soner. zoost, a. imprisoned, confined: s. a priBAFTATzit, a. fem. brawling, querulous. zoos, s. white-brass, bell-metal; a famous - king; -sifēze, a particular pyrite. কৎসবণিক, s. a brazier, a coppersmith. z 2. pron, who? what? [of age. ###1413, s. a calf under three months zGzG1, v. a. to cackle, to groan, to moan. zoosa, off, s. a cackling, a groaning, a zozosos, s, the letter F. [moaning. ককুৎ, 8, the hump of a bull. z#W, s, idem, a mark or sign of royalty, a mountain-peak, excellency. [region. zoo, s. a point of the compass, space, a zoo, s. a giggling, a tittering. zoo, s. the arm-pit, the side, the flank, the end of the lower garment. zoF, zoos, s. a hawser, a rope to fasten an elephant, a woman's girdle, an inclosure of a courtyard, part of a chariot. zoos, or zoosiso, s. the Indian alphabet. zoosa, ad. when f at any time, ever. zoosoog, ad, never; sometimes. zorazors, ad. sometimes, now and then. zoo, s. a heron; a name of Yudishthira. zoo, s. a coat of mail, an insignia. zoo, s. a bracelet, a small bell. z5zzz, zszyfềzgl, fsgöt, s. a hair-comb. zotors, āīfāzāl, s, the name of a fish. zoos, s. coarse sand, gravel. zoostă, s. name of a tree, and a plant. **Iai, S. the skeleton, the loins, waist. zotá, of soft, a poor, indigent, needy. zoosal, S. poverty, want, penury, begzos, v. n. to be dislocated. [gary. 255, s. hair; son of Vrihaspati; a scar, cicatrix, a dried sore; a. unsquare. 255.31, s. a cable, a halter, a tether, rope. zo B-1s, s. name of a tree and its flower. zool, v. n. to shoot forth, to bud. zoBl, s. a stake or staff, grit; a dislocation. zosta, s. shooting forth, a budding. zotē", s. a dispute, a wrangling. [babe. *fs, tender, soft, young; -czsägi, a brat, zûft;*, ad. sometimes; vide «satfs«. £E, æ$t, s. the generic name of Arum. do. [ 60 J কট।

  • 54t, s. a kind of fried cake. [rustling. 35-55, 8, a murmuring, a grumbling, a *Sofs, offs, s. a murmur, contention. *55-5ssol, s, the name of a bird. *555 AB51, s. children, little ones. Koż, s. a shore, low watery place; end of the garment worn round the waist. 255&os, s. a tortoise, a turtle. **, 3, the itch, a scab. *55, v. a. to knead, to temper, crush. *São, s. act of kneading, a tempering. £5][R, s. a budding, a sprouting. 2555, or 4.551, v. a. to rub clothes or anything between the hands in washing it. *5&in, oss, oilf, s, the rubbing of cloth in washing, a scrubbing, rinsing. *EfŞīzil, s. a quarrel, a dispute. <SSSigi, 55Rai, s, lampblack, eye-paint. 5usicot, s. Ethiops mineral. z5zë, s. a branch or twig of bambu. o, s, the slough or skin of a snake. G3:35, s. idem; armour, mail; a bodice. 485so, s. a variety of cobra de capello. zofia, s. a woman's bodice. [maker. a g, s. Brahma, the sun, Ibelly, a rope&W, v. n. to fade, wither: s. the hip, the hip and loins, an elephant's temples, a mat, a fixed period, a treaty, a bond. zoo, ad. suddenly, unexpectedly, hastily. o, s. a camp, a circle, bracelet, a ring, ring for drawers, or for an elephant's tusk; a city, a royal metropolis, tableland, brow of a hill; a city in Orissã. 4.54&ig1, s. a climbing plant. - zot, s, the name of a medicinal plant. zotoff gol, a having coloured border

(as cloth); lit. Cuttack-bordered. *WCzą, s. the elephant apple. *541, s. a copper or brass cup. [cifera.) <Güzizi, s. a kind of fig-tree (Ficus lacGū Gāzes, s. the name of a kind of salt. gol, v. to fade, wither: a faded, flaccid, tawny, sallow, wan: pro%. how many? aïio, s. a glance, an indirect glance, an কটাক্ষ দশান, s. iden. [ogling look. zgūIS Ezil, a. cat-eyed, yellow-eyed. aïs, zowth, ad, suddenly, hastily.