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পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/৭৫

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কপি zost, s. a small pond or pit (for fishing). zoátata, a younger, inferior, junior. zocaig, s. the name of a country. zool, s, a devotee's coat of shreds; a well. **, *, bulbous root, raw or coarse sugar, a kind of sweetmeat. [chasm, a cave. zong, s. a glen, a defile, a deep valley, a zoof, s. a name of the Indian Cupid. zgrazi, s. reproach, censure, a quarrel, a dispute, contention, war. so, s. a sauce-pan, a frying-pan. কন্দুক, s. a ball made of flowers. zoos, s, the neck; a cloud. zoji, s. the sign Virgo; a daughter, a virgin, a young woman, a bride. zozutogi, e, the guardian of a bride, the guardian of an unmarried woman. zo[Jizosos, g. the time of youth or virginity. zojiwin, s, the giving of a daughter in zosteiz, s. virginity. [marriage. outsidz, ad, as a daughter. Lter. zojteta, s. burden or charge of a daughzoji-II it, e. guest who attends the bride zojižstfor, s. the sign Virgo. [nate. zojižTostã, a. shame-faced, timid, effemiকন্যাসম্প্রদান, ৪. the same as কন্যাদান, zoassassà, s. a bride's-maid. [critical. **sū, s, deceit, a trick: a deceitful, hypozovijva*it, s. a religious impostor. কপটতা, s. side কাপ ট্য. [part. *āori, s. a feigned character, assumed zovsözzososoft, a. acting an assumed part. *•ύτά^τ, a. idem: s. a player. zović, deceitful, acting an assumed part. *কপড়খুল, ৪ curtain gauze. ***, **wæ, s, the matted hair of Shiva; a small shell called cowry or cauri. zovisã, s. a door or window shutter. onto, s operculum of a univalve shell; Řrzygotifs, locked-jaws. [fate. Kooiso, s. the forehead; fig. destiny, luck, <é*ilən HI<5, s. a peace made by two hostile parties on equal terms. [dus. কপালী, 8. alintel; Shiva; a class of Hin**issity, a fortunate, lucky. scabbage. *fo, s. an ape, a monkey; a pulley; a *fciga, s. a pulley, a block. [ 63 | কবি

  • foot, e. the same with oczo. *foot, e. a sage, the founder of Sánkhya philosophy; fire: a tawny, brown. zoforizo, s. a cabbage, brocoli. ***, s. cloth worn by the poor or devotees to cover their privities, a clout. *]**, *, the right lock, ...fa..., the left lock, of hair tied on the crown at the investiture with the sacred thread কপোত, or কপোতিক, s. a pigeon. *Cossos, e. the cheek, the temple. **[51, v, to clip, trim a hedge with shears;

to begin to talk (as the parrots). **15Is, s. a clipping, a trimming; first attempt of a bird to imitate human voice. **{51, v. to clip, to cut with scissors or *isso, s, the act of clipping. [shears. zpět, s. the same as goita or caloita. *F, s. phlegm, a cold or catarrh. **E*L, a. efficacious to remove a cold. zoFS, a. arising from phlegm or a cold. *&-FE, s.a shroud, a winding-sheet. *of Fål, s. acaravan, travelling company. **śt, a. ill with a cold, subject to colds. ***Eso, s. a piece of cloth worn on the neck by Musalmán mendicants. **z, ad, when? what time? [amulet. zoos, s. defensive armour; an armlet; an gas vity, s. the text used as a charm. *ašt, a. armed, wearing defensive armour. *zsarşi, s.receipt, the hand,the gripe, posকব জী, কবয়ী, s. pide কক্ট, [session. *a*, s. a headless trunk; a demon. **643, s. a grave, a tomb; -on, a gravedigger; -osio, -oso, a burial ground. zozogi, s. a braid of hair; acidity. *z, *, *, a mouthful, a morsel. **saafs, s. a receipt, acknowledgment. ofo, a swallowed, eaten, glutted. *ool, s, a pretence, a deception, a trick. **asion, s. military exercise. ozsi G, s. a door or window shutter. - **satz, a roasted: s. a roast. &atafsfsi, s, cubeb, allspice. &Ios, ad, how often? how many times? gasol, s. a bill of sale, a deed of transfer. *f, s, a poet, a writeroftaste; a cabbage.